nothing wrong......

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Percy exchanged a look with annabeth and as if a silent agreement passed between them.  They darted of almost at the same time towards the forest. Percy with his riptide in pen form and annabeth with her dagger ready.

Peter too started to make his way towards the forest but Leo stopped him and said, "don't. You don't know what to expect. If they don't return I will go."

~in the forest~
Percy ran through the forest with his sword held at ready. On reaching the clearing where he had found Leo earlier he slowed down to a walk, careful not to even tread on dry leaves and branches. His senses were on alert mode. He searched the entire clearing but couldn't find anything but he felt a presence. It was gone as soon as he felt it. He dismissed the feeling and kept in searching but couldn't find anything. Finally he gave up searching. He made his wayout of the forest.

While walking he heard the sound of dry twigs breaking. He waited. The sound slowly became louder. He took his stance and waited. Suddenly someone laid a hand on his shoulder. He turned swinging his sword and would have cut off the person's head had she not blocked it.

"Oh, gods. Seaweed brain. Its just me". Percy quickly capped riptide and mumbled a sorry. "So what did you find?", he asked.

"Nothing and you?", she asked.
"No luck," he replied. "must be some animal", annabeth said."race you there wise girl", he said and immediately started running.

"Hey, that's cheating", annabeth shouted and took off after him.
~outside the forest~

Percy and annabeth has still not returned and Leo was starting to worry. Calypso was still not speaking to him but he didn't mind now. His only thought wandered to percy and annabeth.

"OK, I am going to search for them. Peter, are you coming?", Leo finally said.

Peter didn't answer but just made his way towards the forest. Leo's hair caught fire and he ran towards the forest following peter. Suddenly a jet of water flew towards leo and drenched him completely.

"Ah! Sorry repair boy but your head had caught fire so I had to", percy said in an innocent tone giving leo his irresistible puppy dog eyes. Peter burst out laughing.

a secret to defeat the enemy(a pj and narnia crossover)Where stories live. Discover now