Chapter 5

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"Why aren't you here?"

Shannon's voice was abrupt on the phone.

It was also minus his usual preliminary greeting of 'Hey babe, whatcha doing?'.

He sounded like a stranger, cutting her off from the connection they shared.

Cana had decided she would cite work tonight for breaking their dinner date. She could have made the time up later, but not being in the right frame of mind, it was essential she did. She was sorry, but she needed time out to get her thoughts in order.

"I can't. Working overtime"

She took satisfaction in being just as abrupt.


"Because of my baggage mix-up. I missed work on Sunday and Monday, remember. Have two shifts to make up"

His voice softened.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Sorry. What time will you get off then?"

"Closing shop at 10 pm."

"Okay baby. I'll come pick you up. We can have a late dinner."

"No, don't. I'll have dinner here. I'll be catching the company transport. I start early in the morning again, so..."

She trailed off as the phone on her desk rang.

"Sorry Shan, gotta go. Work."

Saying a quick goodbye she cut the call on her cell phone, then picked up the office phone.

"Hello, Cana speaking. How may I help you?"

The voice on the other end was not a guest of the hotel or any of their clients. It was a voice she knew all too well. She was still fuming mad with the owner of this voice. But it still made her heart skip a beat.

"Hey, sweetheart...."

Before he could go on, she cut in.

"What the hell you calling me for? Told you it was over. Just stop!"

Slamming the phone down she sat there, fuming.

Then the same number popped up on the screen as the phone trilled again.

She let it go to voice mail.

"Cana, if you don't pick up, sweetheart, I'll come and harass you at your place of work. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

He was unrelenting.

As much as she wanted to ignore him, she couldn't take that chance. She would never underestimate him. Never take his words lightly. He never made empty threats.

She picked up the phone.

"Why can't you just let me go. Move on. You have a whole entourage of women to choose from. Leave me alone. Let me get on with my life."

"Nope. I can't. I will never allow you to move on. Not if it's with someone else."

The chilly tone gave her pause.

She wondered if he were unbalanced.

If that were the case, then she was in deep shit.

"You need help."

His next words shocked her because it closely followed her train of thought. She didn't expect him to read her.

"I am not unbalanced. I know what I want. And what I want is you. I'll do anything and everything to get you back."

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