// Chp 6 //

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" And what else do you need mama?"
I asked her on the other side of the phone as I picked up the soft drinks from the row.

" Could you bring me some pastry sheets and more herbs?"
She asked in a low tone as I heard shouting and yelling in the background.

" Is it still not over?"
I yet again questioned mum with a sigh which she returned back.

" You may want to spend some more time there, if you want peace. "
Mother advised me as I picked up my most favorite instant Raman Cup for spending a plentiful time in the convenience store.

" I will be there in an hour though."

" Hmm. Take care till then-"
And she cut the call.

I brought all my picked up stuffs rather the one's mama ordered me to buy, leaving just one raman cup for myself to the billing counter.

I payed the worker the required money and walked up to the corner of the store having a long desk for customers who wish to grab a small meal right here.

I kept my sealed packet at my right as I followed the instructions and poured hot water in the cup for the quick softening of the noodles.

Clicking open my chopsticks i barely took the first bite when another unfamiliar customer sat by my side fetching another flavored cup noodles.

Paying not much heat to him I continued enjoying my snack until he spoke.

"Was expecting a small hi ."
He taunted as I looked at him bemused.

" Hi there. "

Its the atractive SASHA admirer-

" You are one hungry little Girl Sora."
He clearly wished to make conversation, which I doubt I was capable of.

"Uhm yea."
I kept it short-

" Park Jimin, if you forgot."

Sorry not Sorry I did.

" Good to see you Jimin."
I smiled at him before eating a mouthful of my noodles.

" Its Oppa to you. I am two year older Sora."

Wtf- i ain't calling you oppa.

" Hmm."
I just hummed for I knew i might not see him often to be calling his name out so oppa is more than unnecessary.

" About your sister do you think she is sing-"
I had to cut him off.

" For the Love of ramen, do you not realise that I am not interested in making conversations with you."

Am i sasha's fucking dating agency or what?

A brief silence and we both are back to eating our respective meal.

" And why not? I think we were going pretty good with the mouthing-"
He spelled out flirty and unbothered, a small irritated smug smile lingering on his small face.

I swear this man is way more annoying than intimidating.

" How on earth do you even know me?"
I asked him really pissed.

" Who doesn't? You are the ugly nerdy sister of the most beautiful and popular girl in coll- Oh shit. I am sorry- i did-"
He almost choked.

Gulping down the huge pit of saliva down my throat I stood up attempting to leave.

" Its not your fault. Its your heart."

And I almost left when I stopped again.

" Just so you know. I ain't ugly. I just choose to be myself unlike some fake ass barbie dolls apparently you all are attracted to- "
And I left leaving the midget shocked at my sudden snapping.

I shouldn't have been born. Why do people not understand that maybe I choose to leave differently. Every one-my entire life just kept on comparing me with her. Her beauty, her slim figure, her top notch choices in cloths, dresses, best of shoes...all these forever surpassed me and my books. But I don't blame her. Its not her fault...its the fucking society.


" I am home "
I softly called out however I heard the yelling in response and zipped my mouth.

I came to the living room to find Dad infuriated at Sasha.

I slowly passed by them to go to the kitchen, where mom was silently preparing dinner.

" Here you go."
I passed the packet to her with all the stuffs I bought as she smiled at me.

" What is it this time?"
I asked her looking behind where Sasha and Dad were still on about there argument.

" Your sister bunked all classes today and its the fourth day in the week."
She was so disappointed.

" And what else?"

I am sure this wasn't the only reason for it has been a regular issue these days.

There has to be more to it.

" She was caught smoking pot in terrace with almost 5 of her male friends. "
A tear escaped her eyes as I rubbed them off.


Sasha dared to shout at our generous father.

Father was red and burning till he ran towards her and slapped her right away.

Father growled at her as Sasha cried holding her slapped cheek, trembling.

Sasha didn't speak further as she ran up to her room, slamming the door hard.

Father drifted back until he collapsed on the couch. Both me and mum stepped to him as I saw my father literally sobbing.

" What did we do to deserve this? Where did we go wrong?"
Dad asked mom as he took her hands into his, his voice shaking.

" Sora -ah. Don't look up to your sister. You are all we have now."
Dad voiced out as he urged me to stay like this forever.

It pained to see my parents fallen and crying like that.

They must feel like such a failure.


I am Taehyung. Taehyung is me :-(

How?... so fucking....accurate????

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