// Chp 50 //

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" I am literally so confuzzled."
The little weirdo stated grumpy.

And for the ones who haven't caught on his little eerie tricks - Confuzzled is basically confused + puzzled.

" Same bro same. "
Agreed an equally bemused Jeon Jungkook as I entered the room and settled myself in the massive living room.

Given the situation I wasn't really in the mood but Jimin's apartment was necessarily a gorgeous one.

" So uhm- I guess we can start."
Volunteers Jinie as he gazed at Jimin.

With a heavy groan he begins.

" For the ones who don't know, my hometown isn't Seoul. Its Busan. I was 13 years old when my family once made a trip to Daegu to visit some relatives and thats where I met a certain someone. My favorite Hyung."
Jimin exhaled as 3 perplexed eyes gazed at him.

" Min Yoongi. That was his name. I still remember how I met him for the first time. I was bored of the typical family gathering when I escaped and found myself wondering in the shore and saw a guy my height staring at the sea. I approached him and we talked. He was just 14 then and soon started Liking him. We became close friends and started coming back and forth from busan to Daegu to visit each other but after his class 10s for higher education he moved to Seoul."
Jimins voice cracked.

Shit was about to go down because i already had the gist of it.

Yoongi was 17 and was in class 11 when he committed suicide. Fuck Sasha.

" He was so happy to be able to study on scholarship but fate had something worse for him. He was the most shy and well behaved calm guy and probably thats what brought him down."
Jimin was tearing up when I heard Jungkook coe out at him.

" Hyung..."
Jungkook was in distress. The  grief of seeing his hyungs in misery was killing him inside.

"Seoul High school is where Sasha and Sora also did there schooling from and so did Yoongi."
Hoseok continued the story as he looked up with his regretful eyes.

"Kim Sasha was 16 then when she was fucking her boyfriend's best friend behind his back. Yoongs somehow walked into them. Sasha threatened him not to tell anyone to which yoongs agreed but the good in him warned and advised Sasha to not betray someone behind there back. Sas-"
Now Hoseok broke down- completely.

" Sasha took that the wrong way and edited out his face in gay porn posters and all nasty stuf-s and published them throughout school embarrassing every ounce of him. "
Jimin added with a heavy sigh as Hoseok took the lead.

" Yoongs- he was my fucking boyfriend. Sasha knew that and intentionally made fun of his sexuality and-"

I could see the jaws of the youngers ones hanging down the floor as they rip up too.

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