// Chp 18 //

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-- Jin is in 4th year medical year
So he is older by a year from jimin and 2 from Jungkook and Sora.

-- Its a department conference so all year students will be here 🌚


" Ayoo Jimin."
Jin threw himself on him hugging the boy with absolute adoration.

Didn't know Jin was this close to jimin.
So Jimin is in CSE department? Okay-

" Hyung- get off me, instead annoy Namjoon hyung. I bet he is wondering about your whereabouts?"
Jimin smirked at the older boy as he felt shy within a second.

Did I just See Jin blushing??

We four stood there awkward for a little while until Jin slyly walked away taking Jimins advice to heart.

Jimin just stared darkly at jungkook who stood close to me yet jungkook didn't budge an inch- no doubt he hates Jimin for he is dating his goddess.

"What are you staring at doe eyed bun boi?"
Jimin almost growled at him.

" Nothing just giving company to my best friend."
He sweetly chimed as he looked at me, earning back a soft smile for me.

Jimin scoffed at the pleasent gesture.

"Lets go there Sora-"
Jungkook pointed his finger to this vivid landscape a bit away.

I felt Jimin ogling me out from the corner with big eyes -but who cares.

" Lets goo!"
I joyfully exclaimed as he laced our hands together and we went away leaving the smaller guy sulking.


" Halts over- get back on the bus."
The teachers announced.

I quickly staked on the plastic wrappers of the sandwiches and puffs i had for my breakfast and went to the dustbin to throw them-

"Suprised that your little boyfriend didn't do that for you as well-"
Jimin is here annoying me again-

Just when I thought this was supposed to be a fresh and peaceful weekend.

" Atleast he treats me right unlike some dickhead boyfriends I know-"
I spat at him as I pressed on the bin stand and threw the waste in the trash bin wondering if I should throw him as well-

"You have a pretty big mouth for a small face-"
Jimim yet again had a comeback.

"Atleast I have something big Park"
I licked my lips shrugging at the older boy as he gaped at me.

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