// Chp 28 //

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Instead of sitting in the cafeteria- I was rather thinking of spending the noon by the greens -reading in the campus back yard.

When you have such a spendid, fresh greenery to look at why not?

I right away left after class ended, not giving a chance to Jungkook in catching up mind you if he is even bothered-

He made his priority pretty well lucid- so I better give him the space.

I was diligently following up with my plan as I stood in line in the cafeteria for the food after which I will dash to the backyard.

But that was until someone patted my shoulder.

" You do have a big shoulder for a small girl-"
He voiced out happy.

"But that doesn't in any way exceed my world wide shoulders. "
He added proudly.

I wish I could borrow atleast a bare percentage of his self- esteem.

"You really do have huge shoulders Jinie-"
He proudly threw me a flying kiss as he spoke further.

"We are taking our food and you are coming with me to our table- and no buts. You are not spending the break over books."
Mama Jin was at it again.

I didn't argue back as we soon took our individual choice of dish and stepped towards his table.

The similar cheerful faces greeting me as their smiles turned wider seeing me.

" Sososososoraaaaa"
The boxy guy rhymed as I took a seat beside him.

" Took rest yesterday tiny?"
Namjoon asked.

"I did- I was so tired that I honestly didn't study at all yesterday."

" Well I did-"
Hoseok commented back as he took a bite on his sandwich.

" Anyways how are things with your sister? Did she make a fuss?"
Tae mouthed it out soflty.

" She didn't really make a fuss but warned me- and it was quite scary-"
I simply shrugged until I realised Jins eyes were fixed on me- rather my arms.

"What are those curvy bruises tiny- Is it what I think it is?"
Seokjin questioned me right away- the unhealthy darkening tone not goinf unnoticed.

Shit. Those are the stinging imprints of Sasha's nails that left a mark.

" Nothing its ju-"

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