// Chp 29 //

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" I am sorry but I kinda have a class to catch up with-"

Blame me and my idiotic thoughts that I was too busy thinking about the flower boy and the altering events following after that I didn't understand one shit- and now I think re-attending the class would be the best solution.

But then I was very rudely interupted by my sister.

" And you want me to fucking wait for you Cherry? When its pouring down that heavy."
She glared at me, a very mocking smile stretched across her face.

Thats what I wished for considering it was raining "real heavy" and I don't have a ride back home which she was very well aware of.

" Well then you can leave- I will book a taxi and c-"
She didn't hear me out as she turned on her 4 inch heels and walked away leaving me alone.

Can I blame her? She was treated like me for once in her life-

Gawking at the college open premises I realised the intensity of the rain. Mother nature must be crying her heart out.

Before you make fun - Yes I am the type of person who feels things with a tad bit magical touch of literary senses even though I am a science student.

Raining in month of February? Its freezing cold- not to mention the poor choice of my clothing with no umbrella-

It isn't a really a great option for Sasha to be driving home, maybe she could wait for sometime - But then I saw our car scoot back for a second in the void area before it drove away.

She's already gone-

Letting out a heavy sigh, I walked back to class.

Now I have to figure out how I can get back home.


" And thats exactly how we reach up next to the embryonic stage. I hope all doubts are clear."
Mr Park Smoothly finished off with the lecture.

He quickly averted his eyes to the window's- the rain still pouring with a intensified speed.

" Its raining heavy outside so be careful on your way back students"

"Yes sir"

We all respectfully bowed to him as he took his belongings and left.

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