// chp 11 //

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" Cherry!! Here"
Sasha waved at me, all hyped and eager, a peppy smile on her face- just as I walked in the cafeteria.

Drop the act already girl, i know you hate it that your so called boyfriend called me for lunch.

" Hi you all "
I slowly sat on the other side of the table giving the couple privacy as I had my book at my side.

Why? Cause I am pretty sure they are gonna do the nasty thing and ignore my whole damn presence very soon.

" So Sora, what would you like to eat. They have pork cutlet and Tteokboki today. Its good- trust me."
Jimin said as he licked his lips implying that the food is tasty or maybe his pulpy lips wer--- stop.

" Okay then. "
I said as I stood up to go and take my food, until he spoke again.

" You sit here. I will bring it to for you."
Jimin gently suggested and i couldn't reject his offer.

" But I can act--"

" Uh huh! Listen to your senior and be a good girl."
Jimin insisted and I swear my cheeks turned rosy.

And I don't even ducking know why?

" I am grateful you didn't humiliate me yet. I thought maybe he would break up if he realises that my sister is a nerd and i-"
She kept on insulating me, puffing her already caked up face with more foundation before Jimin comes back.

Okay thats it! I can't take this shit.

" The fuck is wrong with you? I am your fucking bloody sister. You are seriously treating me like trash over some random dick you had been sucking for what? Two days ?"

I snapped back, as her orbs darkened before it once again softened for Jimin was back, and she was back on pretending to be this lovey dovey cute girlfriend.

" Everything all right?"
Jimin asked feeling the random change of tension.

" Perfect. "
She chimed.


" Slow down will you?"
Jimin once again warned me for I was gobbling up on my food at the light of speed.

The faster I eat, the faster I can get out of this hell.

" So sora I was wonde-"
Jimin initiated a conversation but dang it- Too late!

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