// Chp 23 //

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His lips looks so kissable 💋💋

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His lips looks so kissable 💋💋


" Morning boo"
Jin greeted me as I met him first at the common room.

" Where is kook? We are supposed to leave in 15 minutes?"
I whispered to him standing in line for the respective bus.

"Here pumpkin-"

I turned around to witness a rather hot Jeon Jungkook dressed in ripped jeans and an overcoat owing to the cold.

" Lets go"


It was almost lunch break until we reached the hotel back.

The most awkward time is yet to come for both the departments are gonna have lunch TOGETHER

The last thing I wanna see is him right now or maybe no-

" Earth to Sora-"
Jin smapped me back to my senses.

"Lets freshen up quick and meet at the dinning for Lunch- Namjoon and the others are already waiting. "
With that Jin left, leaving me alone with koo.

" You okay Sora- you seem stressed today. You sure I can't help you in anything?"
Jungkooks concerned tone melted me like butter but I shooed the feelings away.

"I- I am alright kook"
I stuttered back as a scowl took over Jungkooks forehead.

Clearly he didn't buy it- gladly he let it go.

" Just so you know I am here for you."
Jungkook softly assured me with a warm concerned smile as I nodded.

But are you really?


" How was your conference guys?"
Taehyung cutely asked me as he was slurping on his noodles loud.

" It was great yet boring-"
Commented Jungkook as Taehyung just gawked at him.

"You need to eat more Jin-"
Namjoon suddenly voiced out.


" No i don't wanna-"

The whinings amd pursuing went on and on until Namjoom said something real weird.

" I will let you top me if you finish that Babe."

We all literally choked on food there as we all gaped at them-

"We saw that coming- Didn't we?"
Hoseok playfully scoffed at the lovey dovey couple.

" W-what?"
Jinjin was super embarrassed.

"You guys are dating? How long- and why don't I know a single shit about it?"
Jungkook screamed out betrayed.

" Uhmmm-"

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