// Chp 40 //

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Sobbing for quite some time I finally got a hold of myself as I disheartened like reached out for the knob and left the room.

My eyes swollen red and itching bad but at this instant does anybody care? Rather do I even deserve for anyone to actually care??

Splashing my face with cold water, I looked at the bare mirror in the restroom- Jimin's sorrowful broken self reflecting back in my mind.

How could I do this to him- he deserves better- so much better yet I-

Sighing deep and literally regretting being ever born- I went away for class.

Class was about to commence for I came real early today-q

Class went well but not well for me.

Clearly my pea sized brain couldn't get one medical shit right instead it was filled with the pea sized little man whom I apparently left shattered few minutes back.

" Alright there Sora?"
The very familiar classmate asked me as I gave a quick nod to Kook avoiding eye contact as much as possible.


Classes after classes just went by yet it felt like time was still and I was stuck in a loop, suffocating me to almost death- so much so that I, Kim Sora bunked anatomy class, for the first ever time.

Breath! Sora breath! Take a deep breath and just bane these thoughts away for a while- but failed miserably.

I yet again took out my phone as I clicked on Chim and my eyes started pooling out again.

There is no going back? Is there? Jimin hates me. CHIM hates me.

That one fucking stranger i called mine, That one freaking perverted friend won't be there for me anymore.

I was once again alone like I always have been. And thats probably for the best.

But can I just fucking let him go?

I can't and I won't.

I will make it right.


" Shit is down I get it- but what the fuck exactly happened?"
Hoseok popped out of no where as I was quietly sitted away from the crowd during lunch.

" How did you even find me?"
I asked him amused as he flashed me a comforting smile.

" We will always find you Tiny-"

And there I saw Jin and Joon also walking up to me.

Unknowingly i broke down again.

They care- But will they once they know how much I hurt there best friend. How much of a bloody hoe i am?

" Whats up with you and Jimin?"
Joon softly asked me- a pure strand of worry visible on his forehead, Jin already embracing hands with his warmth and Hoseok gazing at me concerned.

" I - i don't wan-"
My tears didn't stop but they did.

"Its okay. You don't have to- but just one piece of advice and that is communication is the key."
Jin advised.

" No matter what-  I believe you should probably talk it out before its too late-"
Hoseok sounded stressed.

" Not all of us had the courage to get the shit cleared but please don't linger with this. It can kill you and I don't want that to happen to any of my friends. "
Hoseok was pretty deep into this.

This seemed like a simple advice that day but It still did knock some sense into me.

Those words were heavy- even though I felt hoseoks sincere desperation, I realised way later what they actually meant.

Like I said-
I promise i will make it right.


" I wish i was there babe- when you broke her little heart."
Sasha bitterly snickered at her boyfriend, one and only Park Jimin.

" Oh baby, how I wished you would be there looking at Sora- she looked ugly af with all her sobbing and crying."
Jimin evil like laughted out before tangling Sasha's hands with his and walking out of college.

" Little Sora would be so hurt to know that this was all our plan-"
Sasha chuckled loud, soon joined by the demon himself- Park Jimin.

Only if poor Sora knew she was actually being played all along.


Oka- 😖😖😖😭

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Oka- 😖😖😖😭

Oka- 😖😖😖😭

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This Fam 😅

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