// Chp 46 //

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" Just go home and please for damn sake stop poking your nose into my fucking business. You will know when the time comes till then spare me the horror of dealing with your duping ass."
Jimin bitterly taunted me as he walked away.

But for some reason neighter of the words he spat out mattered.

I was stuck with how our sunshine, the guy thats 24/7 cheerful and funny could be hidding that much vengeance and rage behind those eyes.

Gutter blood.
Filthy blood.
Gutter filthy blood.

That was one hell of a loop my mind went in and was unable to escape from.

Classes went on and on and for the entire day i didn't really see much of Jimin or the others not that I had the mental state to try.

And before you know it- its was already over two whole fucking days that I have barely seen the boys.

Jimin became one rare sight of nature that could only be seen in a life time luck and yes i was dying to have a share that very Luck.

But is Luck ever on my side? And the very answer is a big fat no.

The boys were distant from me more like engrossed into themselves as if there were some sorta serious pot of tension they were in yet prevented anybody else from helping.

Hobie ignored me but don't get me wrong he didn't really do the typical rude ignoring thingy more like always had his eyes dropped down when he saw me - the embarrassing kind of ignorance.

I guess he was feeling real guilty about that instant lashing out on me but just like certain someone desired, I didn't poke my nose rather kept out of it.

I was stuffing on sandwiches in the cafeteria, eyes roaming round the table where the boys were always sitted but once again i was greeted by total vacancy.

Whats wrong with them? Why are they avoiding me?

And thats when I saw Joon entering the cafeteria scanning the place well until he caught my little figure at the corner and walked to me next.

He perched himself on the opposite chair as he took the other sandwich from my plate, a quick weary sigh escaping from his mouth.

" Joon?"
I softly called out when Joon looked up.

" I know- i am kinda worried. Is it just me or do you also sense the sudden ignorance in our group."
Joonie said and I nodded agreeing.

" I do- they are totally avoiding us. Aren't they?"
I cooed.

" Indeed."

" So you all here? Dude what happened to us?"
A third voice beamed at us and we clearly knew that was none other than a very pissed off Jeon Jungkook.

Guess he is another one of us left in the dark ain't getting  any attention.

" Relax will you? We are over it for now. I guess they just need time with something."
Joon calmed down the bunny boy as he sat on the chair with a thud.

"They are hiding something ain't they?"
Kook huffed out.

" They are. They are and all I wanna do is find that shit out."
Taehyung joined next.

Welcome to the group minion.

" Same here Tae. Same here."

Only if I knew i didn't really had to find it out because they were coming for me the very next day with the bitter truth I wish I never knew.



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Sad :(

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