Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight - Realisation

C.I.A. Personal Chalet

Montreal Quebec

December 31

0800 hours

"Good morning Ben!" Erica said happily, sitting on the couch reading a book.

"Morning." I muttered sleepily.

7 months ago I had wondered what Xorvat was, why my mom was an enemy agent, and if Cyrus was okay.

Now, I rarely think about any of it. Nothing had happened except school, my fourteenth birthday, summer break, and more school. Oh yes, and Mike and Zoe started dating.

The school had decided that this year for Christmas and New Year they would send us to chalets in a different country, just so we could get perspective of different areas of the world.

They sent us off to Canada, and we had spent time on a private ski hill. It was awesome.

There were ten students and one teacher per chalet.

I was happy with mine. There were only two that I knew really well, but I had made new friends as well.

- Erica

- Jawa

- Emma

- Timothy

- Joanna

- Jack

- Paisley

- Jason

- Charlotte

- Finn

And our teacher - or in our case monitor - was Chip.

We hadn't only skied. We had also tubed, ice fished, snowshoed, skated and every other winter activity you can imagine, along with polar dips. We did training too. We played classic games of manhunt but with paintball guns, and it had been along the ski hill, so we had hundreds of acres to run through.

"I made breakfast." Erica said, getting off the couch and coming into the kitchen after me.

"You made breakfast? I thought Chip was making breakfasts."

"His breakfasts suck."


She handed me a plate with pancakes on it.

"I hope these are better than my Mom's." I muttered.

"Trust me, they are. Your Mom lost her touch."

"How do you know?"

Erica rolled her eyes.

I sat down at the island, and started eating. Slowly, other kids came out of the bedrooms and Erica gave them food. Emma was the only one who sat down at the island with me.

"What do you want to do today?" She asked.

"I'm not really sure. We're going home in a few days, so I want to make the most of it."

"We could go get hot chocolate!" She said happily.

"I can make hot chocolate just fine thank you." Erica put in.

"I didn't say you couldn't," Emma muttered.

"I think I'm going to stay here today." I said, with a smile.

"I think I'm going to go skiing with Timothy." She said.

"I'm going to read." Erica said quietly.

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