Chapter Twenty One

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What did I say? I'm posting again! I've had this chapter planned for a while, but the difficult part was trying to create the scenes in former chapters to make sure this one made sense. Same with the coming chapters. I have ideas, but I'm not sure how to get there so it might be a few weeks before the next chapter. 

Also thank you guys so freaking much, I'm almost at 2K views and it's makes me so happy to see that people are actually reading my story. Not gonna lie, when I posted the first chapter, I really didn't think I'd get anymore than 100 views. I posted the first chapter ... when? Like, April 2021? May? I don't even remember. But either way, I'm so glad people have been reading this and commenting; I love reading comments and seeing what people think. Again, THANK YOU ♡♡

Chapter Twenty One


Sub Floor 2

Wuhan China

January 15th

1300 hours

It seemed too easy. Way too easy.

No one was in the lab. I knew it was a lab because there were microscopes and detailed papers lining the tables. Vials of strange colored liquids lay on trays and it's a dim, almost greenish light.

Erica slowly walked around the room, her steps cautious, her ice blue eyes scanning everything. Once she finished the tour, she stood beside me just inside the door.

"No one's here," she says quietly. She sounds comfortable, but her face says otherwise. "There are no signs of visible explosives, a camera in every corner and no bugs that I could find."

"It's too easy," I responded. "There has to be something we are missing."

"I agree with you, but I don't know what it is."

Charlotte pops her head into the room. "You guys better hurry up, I want to be here for the least amount of time possible."

Erica and I exchange a glance, and then head to the nearest tables. Mine sports stacks of paper and pens, a computer and a bucket of vials with clear liquid in them. I pick up one and turn it around so I can read the label. There, in tiny letters it reads:

Covid 19 ~ Wuhan specimen

"Erica..." I say slowly, the vial still pinched between my two fingers. She looks at me, eyes wide.


"This isn't a science lab."

"No this is definitely not. This is another CROATOAN headquarters."

"But Erica, that doesn't make any—"

"But it does make sense," Erica interrupts. "It started in China. Obviously they had to have a place to store them. What better place than the general hospital? If anyone were to come looking, all they'd find is a lab room with science equipment. They've hidden disasters in plain sight. It's genius, really."

We had brought bags so we could carry any potential vaccines home, and Erica placed the vial into one of the pockets. I did the same, and we had just finished two tables when Charlotte opened the door. I didn't even glance at her, but if I had I would have seen a look of worry written across every feature.

"There are people coming!" she said through barred teeth.

"Well hold them off then!" Erica responded, sopping several vials into her bag.

My heartbeat had increased to an incredible amount, and I had to pause to take a deep breath. In the next few seconds, a lot happened.

First, I dropped a vial and it shattered on the floor.

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