Chapter Twenty Seven

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What did I say?! I'm posting the FINAL CHAPTER. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Damn, I'm actually so surprised I finished it. I sometimes feel as if I'm in a dream. I've only ever finished one other chapter book, and that was a 130 paged novel I wrote for my sister. This one is over 200 pages. I can't express how I feel... I just... Relief? Sadness? Happiness? I don't know. Anyways! Here is chapter Twenty Seven, the last one before the epilogue (Also posting tonight). I hope you enjoy!! 

Chapter Twenty Seven


Spy School

Virginia, USA

January 30

2030 hours

We returned to the rest of the group every night, rather than staying in our dorms. Alexander would drive Erica and I to their base, only a ten minute commute from school. They spent their days shopping and watching carefully for any sign of another variant. None had come since before India.

On the night before Jessica and Li Ming were planning on leaving, we were all sitting in the makeshift shelter they had formed, talking quietly amongst one another.

"I think Jack and I shall head back to the UK tomorrow," Catherine told us, looking at Jack for approval. Jack nodded as if he was dying to leave.

"Jessica and I were thinking the same thing," Li Ming puts in.

"Well, Erica and Ben have to finish their school year," Alexander says. "And Charlotte, I have an offer to give you."

She looked at him, curious.

"How would you like to join Spy School?"

She just gapes at him. "I wouldn't even like to, I'd love to. How is it possible, though? Aren't I, like, three years late?"

"I have my ways with the agency." Alexander flashes her his best grin.

"Thank you, Alexander! I mean it! Thank you!" She goes on thanking him, and they talk for several minutes about when and how she'd join, plus her courses and living quarters. Erica gave me a sidelong look, clearly showing she was bored as heck about the conversation.

"I think I'll spend the rest of the year and summer with Ashley," Charlotte says eventually. "And I'll join next year. I'll be in my fourth year, I'm pretty sure, if Ben is in his third year, and I'm a year older."

"I'm going back to my parents cottage in Florida for the summer," I say.

"I have plans," Erica mutters. She never says what they are.

"Well, it's decided then," Catherine tells us. "Jack, Li Ming, Jessica and I are going, Charlotte, Ben, Erica and Alexander are staying. Sounds good!"

We talked for a few more minutes, and then Jack practically begged us to make a fire and roast marshmallows. So while Alexander went out to buy marshmallows, the rest of us started making the fire.

An hour later, the fire was roaring and we were all seated around it, laughing and talking, silently thinking about how we were all going to miss each other.

"Ben," Erica whispered from her spot next to me. I looked at her. "Can I talk to you?"

I nodded, although I was worried about her real intentions.

She stood and walked a few yards from the fire, far enough we could talk normally and they wouldn't hear us.

"You said you were going to your parents cottage this summer?" she asked.

"Yeah, I was thinking I should probably visit them again."

"I was wondering..." she hesitated. "Could I possibly tag along with you? I have nothing better to do, so I thought I'd just..."

"I'm not the best?" I asked accusingly, but jokingly. "I'm after everything else, once you have nothing to do?"

"No! That's not-" she responded quickly.

"Erica, it was a joke." I rested my hand on her shoulder. "Of course you can come. I would be delighted to have you."

She smiled.

"Although, prepare for nothing other than pancakes for two weeks."

"I love pancakes."

We started back towards the fire, side by side. I tried to imagine her lacing her fingers with mine, holding it as I'd seen others doing while walking down the street. I glanced down, and realised with major surprise that I wasn't imagining it. I grinned.

Erica Hale was holding my hand.


The next day, at our lunch break, all eight of us stood beside the helicopter, saying our goodbyes. I'd shook Jack's hand, given Jessica a tense hug, and Li Ming had saluted her departure. Catherine had been talking quietly to Erica and Alexander the entire time, but now she was walking towards me.

She wrapped her arms around me, embracing me tightly enough to cut off my blood circulation. I hugged her back. Then she stepped away, but kept her hands on my shoulders, holding me at arms length.

"Be good to my daughter," she warned me. "Although, I reckon she'll take good care to make sure you do. And don't do any messy spy stuff like Alexander and I, you don't want the same fate as us."

"I will do as you say," I respond, with a kind smile.

"It was nice seeing you again, Benjamin."

Then she hopped onto the helicopter, followed by the three others. Alexander stood with us remaining kids, and watched as Catherine started the copter and the children buckled themselves in.

Once Catherine started her lift off, I waved up at them, and they all returned the gesture graciously. We watched them until they were out of sight. Then Erica glanced at her watch.

"Ben, third period starts in seven minutes. We have to go."

"I'll give you guys a ride," Alexander offered. "And then Charlotte I'll drive you to wherever it is you are going."

"I'll bus there," Charlotte said kindly. "But thank you."

"Well then, Erica and Ben, let's get going."

We turned towards the path that would lead us to his car, but Charlotte grabbed my arm before I could go far.

"I'm glad I met you, Smokescreen." I was puzzled as to where she'd found out that name. "I'll see you next year."

She didn't say anything to Erica, so we headed off, away from her and the clearing where we'd all once stood.

School was almost over, and then I could enjoy the summer. That was all I had to focus on—the positives. 

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