Chapter Twenty Four

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Guys I'm really stupid, I'm sorry. I went on a long road trip last week and I opened this story to write, and wrote a whole two pages onto a chapter I'd already published. So I wrote irrelevant scenes. Anyways, I liked them enough to transport them over to this chapter. Restarting this entire intro. Hello! I hope y'all are doing well, sorry it's been several weeks since I last posted, I've been pretty busy what with competition season and school starting to wrap up. Here is chapter twenty four (CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR I can't freaking believe I've written more than 10 chapters) I hope you enjoy!! I'll try to post faster next time although I am not making any promises. 

Chapter Twenty Four




January 18

1700 hours

I was awake by the time we landed. I had slept through most of the flight - thank god; I hate flying - but not through the landing, which is the worst part. We landed this time in a field, and stood outside in the grass, not really doing anything. Li Ming texted some friends she knew in India, and Erica talked quietly with her mom. Jack and I sat with our backs against the copter, and watched as Charlotte and Jessica became properly acquainted. Alexander stood awkwardly off to the side.

After a while, I saw motion from the south, moving towards us. As the shapes took form, I realized it was three kids. And as their features became clearer, I realized I knew them. Well, I knew two of them.

I glanced at Erica, who seemed to have also some to the realization she knew them as well. She looked back at me, eyes wide. Stupidly, I felt jealousy rising in my chest.

Li Ming ran over to see them. So that's who she was texting. There were two boys, and one girl. Once they had all joined our group, Li Ming explained.

"This is-" she started.

"Noah and two others," Erica finished, nodding slowly.

"How do you know him?"

"We ran into him coincidentally on our way to Wuhand," I answered.

"Although," he says. "That was in Ireland. Now I'm in India. And I'm no longer with the entire gang. Just Maya and Frankie." He indicates to the two kids behind him.

"How do you know them?" I in turn ask Li Ming.

"More international spy partners." She beams.

"So you... are a spy as well?" Erica asks the boy.

"To you, yes," Noah says. "To most others, no."

"We should get going," Li Ming offers. Noah, Maya and Frankie lead us away from the feild.

"Are people not going to find the helicopter?" Alexander asks from the back of the group.

"Highly unlikely." It was Maya who spoke up this time. "No one ventures out here except us. You need a lot of perseverance and courage to come this far."

"How long does it take, out of curiosity?" Jessica pipes up.

"An hour by foot."

No more speaking happened other than a few words between the leaders discussing the easiest route.

It seemed like an eternity of slipping through trees and jumping over streams and climbing up rocks before I finally saw civilization. It was like seeing a glass of ice cold water when you are dying of thirst. As I thought of water, I was suddenly overcome with a longing for liquid.

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