Chapter Twenty

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Hey guess what!! I'm posting again!! Jeez I'm so sorry guys, I've had severe writing block for... uncountable months now. Like, I'd open the document, write a sentence or so, cry at how horrible it is, delete it, and then close the tab. For every story. But today I was messaging my friend and telling her about it, and she said "just write a different story and maybe it will help you." But I was like, man, I've tried that so many times. So instead, I decided I would just write this chapter and see if I could do it... and it worked! I know that probably sounds stupid and none of you care, but I felt like sharing that story either way *awkwardly laughs* Anyways I hope you enjoy, it took me a lot of effort to write this... 

Chapter Twenty


General hospital 

Wuhan China

January 15th

0900 hours

The next morning, Erica, Jessica, Li Ming and I all left the building and headed out into the streets.

"We meet up in one hour at the hospital," Erica said, pulling up her sleeve to reveal her watch. "If you need directions, it's written on the back of your wrist." I glanced at my wrist and sure enough inked on my skin were short, discreet directions. I had no idea when she'd had time to draw it, but I didn't question her.

We all split up, and I headed for town square. I'd learnt from my hometown that the center of the city is where all the gossip happens.

I had no idea where to go, but I followed the sound of cars. Sure enough, ten minutes later I'd found the square.

The ground was a tiled mosaic, all circling towards the fountain in the center. I walked to the cross-walk, and then crossed the street. People milled around, sitting on benches, throwing coins into the fountain, talking on the phone.

I realised just as I started listening, that I had no idea how to speak Chinese. I didn't understand them at all, and I felt stupid for not thinking of it first. I slumped into a bench near the fountain and watched the water fall into the basin. Suddenly, I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. I jerked around, and found Li Ming grinning at me.

"Let me take this job, Smokescreen," she said, and climbed over the back of the seat and landed next to me.

"Thanks," I said, and then walked away. I didn't know where I was going to go, so I rounded a corner and then dropped down onto the curb. I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. I still had 50 minutes until I had to be there. I groaned and leaned back against the brick building behind me. It was five minutes before my phone buzzed. I was curious because only Mike ever texted me, and he had completely ignored me since Montreal.

On my lockscreen was a message from Erica. My eyes widened as I typed in the password, and then opened her text.

Ben, quit the gossip and meet me at the spot.

It took me a few times to figure out what she meant. When I did though, I stood and started walking towards the larger road again. I checked the directions on the back of my wrist. It wasn't that far, but I took three wrong turns and by the time I got there I had been walking for fifteen minutes. Erica looked exasperated as I rounded the corner.

"Ben!" She cried, storming to me. "Where on earth have you been?"

"In China," I replied dully. It wasn't the right time. Erica glared at me and then turned and walked away at a brisk pace. I scrambled after her.

"We're going in without the others because they all have jobs to be doing." Erica said as she started up the stone stairs to a grand building of sparkling clean bricks.

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