Chapter Sixteen

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Hey! Sorry for taking so long to post the chapter, I've been pretty busy recently. I'd say this chapter is more summarizing what happens really quickly, but it's still somewhat important. 

Also, thank you @ishaancodesandgames for all the comments! I love reading peoples opinions on my stories - good or bad - and your ideas for how I could change some stuff! 

Please enjoy, and I hope you have a good week! I'll try to get the next chapter out soon!

Chapter Sixteen

To China

Montreal Ski Resort

Montreal Quebec

January 10th

0700 hours

China. I had three days to pack, and Erica had to be well enough to go. I was currently pacing the length of her room, trying to calm my jitterish nerves.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I cried, splayling my arms.

"Because of this," Erica gave me a pointed look. "You wouldn't have let me order the tickets, and then we'd have bigger problems than this."

I groaned, and leaned into the doorframe.

"You do realise that you are sick right?"

"Oh, no I'm not," Erica smirked, and then hopped out of bed like she was refreshed and ready to run a marathon. I just gaped.

"You see Ben, everyone fell for it. I admit, I was sick that first night, and then a few nights after that, but I've been fine for a while now. It's a good cover, so don't tell anyone."

"You- I- wait, what?!"

Erica got back under the covers and fell limp on her pillows. I almost didn't believe that she was fine.

"I've been acting for over a week now. It's a good way to get information from people when they think you're not really listening. I heard from Paisley Maxwell that China is closing their borders to any newcomers, so I decided to look into it. Turns out, we only have a month to get there and back, or we're doomed. Anyways, I booked a flight then and there, and we're leaving, and that's that."

"And - And flight costs? How are we going to cover it?"

"Ben, you really haven't learnt anything about me have you?" I grimaced, and she raised her eyebrows, the edges of her mouth tugging up. "I'm no thief; I save the world, and in order to do that, some... rule bending must take place."

"Oh no. Erica don't tell me you -," She pulled a small green card out of her utility belt. "Swiped someone's credit card..." I finished, my voice trailing off.

"Yes, I did. Now out of my room, I need to pack my bags. And you should do the same," She waved her hand nonchalantly towards her door. I hesitated, but when Erica slid back into her Icequeen state and glared at me, I retreated immediately. As she had said, my room was in need of packing.


"Ben? What on earth are you doing?"

Charlotte appeared in my bedroom door, finding me half submerged beneath my bed trying to dig out my belongings.

"Packing," I groaned, my fingertips digging into the white and red carpet to push myself out.

"Come again?" She said, surprise filling the crevices of her words.

"You heard me," I said, annoyance building up in my system.

"Oh, come on Ben. Why would you be packing?" I collapsed next to my bed as I pushed out from under the bed. She laughed lightly at my struggle.

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