Chapter Twenty Two

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Hey!! I'm at 2.1k views, I actually can't believe it. Sorry, I know it's been two weeks or something since I last posted, but at least it wasn't two months. I fear I made a mistake in this chapter that could mess it up, but fortunately it is only a scene from this chapter and doesn't tie into the rest of the book. What I think I did wrong is: is Leo Shang the owner of weapon businesses, or is it just normal businesses? Anyways, I searched it up in so many different ways and found nothing, so if I'm wrong, just pretend that he owns a lot of weapons and Jessica isn't allowed to use them. Anyways, thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy! 

Chapter Twenty Two


Li Ming's house

Wuhan China

January 15

2400 hours

"Vaccines!" Li Ming holds up a pale purple bag, indicating that it's filled with the virus-curing-liquid.

"Family!" Erica says with fake enthusiasm, waving her hands through the air as if presenting a trophy.

"Vials of sickness!" I add in, just because I feel like it.

All eight of us stand around Li Ming's basement, now in awkward silence. Luckily, Catherine speaks up, and the silence is broken.

"So, inform me of everything that's happened so far," she says, crossing her arms and looking at us all individually.

I start. "Well I was in Florida with my parents—"

Erica interrupts. "And I went to get him."

"It seems so long ago, I don't even remember why."

"It was because of a man I saw dropping off a letter at a mailbox. I read that letter, and knew it had no good purpose. So I brought it to Ben."

I suddenly remembered everything. "Right, Agent 226 and Xorvat."

"Exactly. Anyways, we discovered something about Ben's mom. Something about her being in the enemy organization, but it was all confusing and we have been distracted from that for a while."

"I'll look into it," Catherine says, and then waves up to continue.

"We went to school and resumed classes as normal," Erica resumes. "Then, for Christmas break we went to Montreal and stayed at a ski hill in chalets for several weeks."

"We broke into the Croatoan headquarters and took some of their syringes of this virus," I say, and I'm glad I at least got to tell one key point in the story.

"Where they ran into me," Charlotte says, grinning.

"And who are you?" Catherine asks, nodding at Charlie.

"Charlotte Garcia. Former Croatoan member—"

"And how do we know we can trust you?"

"She's fine, mom," Erica jumps in.

"I have all the inside information," Charlotte finishes.

"From there we traced the virus back to Wuhan, and took a helicopter to Li Ming's spy residence. This morning, Ben and I went to the hospital and spoke to the head doctor about vaccines. She said they were being made in a lab. A few hours ago, we split into groups and went to the two labs in this city, and that's where you met us."

"Where are you headed next?" Catherine asked, running her finger over the edge of the table.

"We were going to create a tea stand and give out the vaccines in food form, but I've just come up with an easier and better idea."

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