Chapter Nineteen

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你好! (That says Hello in chinese btw) Here is chapter nineteen and... I've had this chapter in mind for so long. I've only made myself love Erica even more. An old character is introduced again, and Erica... oh boy it's so hard not to give spoilers. But I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I do! And sorry I haven't posted in a bit, the chapter was written several days ago, but I didn't have time to post it, I just started school again a few days ago, my sport schedule went back to normal and long story short I'm going to have a chaotic year. I promise to find the time to write when I can. Well enjoy, I hope you have good day!

Chapter Nineteen


Li Ming's Room

Wuhan China

January 13th

1230 hours

Li Ming brought Charlotte and I into the building we had landed on.

Charlotte and Li Ming instantly hit it off. I just followed behind them as we descended down the long winding stairs until we reached the first floor.

"Be quiet." Li Ming told us before opening the door from the stairwell to the lobby. "The whole crew is asleep except the night guard, which I am not on."

Then she cracked open the door and stepped into a dark room. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel Charlotte's hand holding mine so that nobody got lost. I shut the door behind us, and we all pressed up against the wall. Charlotte started walking, so I followed. We went around a corner, and then another corner, and then I saw lights ahead of us. An elevator. We sped right past it. Into another hall, and then Li Ming stopped. Pulled a key out of her sweater pocket and opened a door. Silently, we entered. Once we were all safely inside, Li Ming closed the door and turned on the lights.

We were in a pretty but empty room. There were two beds, one couch, and two lounge chairs. A tv, a Nintendo Switch set on the table beside it. The floors were carpeted with extremely soft fabric dyed blue. There was a single washroom with a pretty tiled floor and a floor to ceiling, wall to wall length mirror. If Li Ming had been using this room before now, there was no indication of habitants. No clothes, books, or bags were anywhere in the room. It was spotless, and only the Switch showed signs of people.

"Is this your room?" I asked her.

"Sort of. Only on missions I stay here, but I have my own house deeper in the city. Since we are on a mission, I'm staying here!" We'll get your stuff tomorrow, for now, choose a bed and get a controller and we can play games until morning!"

I went straight for the couch, not risking the beds, and grabbed a controller from the console on my way by.

We were all deciding a game when someone knocked on the door. Li Ming looked at us, and then pointed at the ground. Charlotte and I both got down and under the beds. Li Ming turned off the Nintendo, and then made a good show of just waking up from sleeping. She went to the door and opened it.

"It's me," I heard someone whisper. Next second, Erica had entered the room, and closed the door behind her. Li Ming returned to her bed, and turned on the Switch again.

"You get the last controller, Erica." Charlotte said, and pointed to the red controller sitting on the table.

Erica looked warily at it, and I cringed. "I'm not sure if I should -" Erica started.

"Oh don't be silly," Li Ming said. "Get the controller and play the game with us."

Erica took a cautious step towards the table and plucked it up. Then she went to one of the chairs and sat down. I looked over my shoulder at her and grinned.

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