Chapter Seventeen

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I am so, so, so, so, so very sorry tht I haven't updated it in a while. I got to the end of that chapter and felt like I reached the end of a river - I just had no interest whatsoever to continue. But I pushed through the chapter and hopefully I get past this writers block, and I'll be able to finish the story. If any of you like writing and have ever experienced this problem before, you know how I feel. I also got wrapped up in reading a suuuuper good series, and writing a different story, I started working a summer job, and I went on a small vacation to see my family (COVID safe of course)... Yeah I guess I'm busy too.  There is a reference to Hunger Games in this chapter, not because I had no ideas but because I thought it might seem funny. Thank you so much for the comments, it was because of you guys that I continued writing. Okay, well here's that chapter. Sorry if it was sorta anti climatic. Well, enjoy! I hope y'all have a great week! (Sorry that sounds... cringy) 

Chapter Seventeen



Somewhere over an Ocean

January 11th

0400 hours

I rested my pounding head on the window of the helicopter. I clearly wasn't great with flying. And I had had a minor heart attack. Erica was fuming, finally settling down after yelling for ten minutes in which I had cowered in my seat. Charlotte had just yelled back at Erica. Some nerves she had.

Now sitting next to me, sleeping, was Charlotte. How she had snuck on, I had no idea. But I had screamed louder and harder than I had ever before when she jumped out from under the luggage and sat down next to me. She had simply said,

"You didn't look for me, but I looked for you," And then that's when Erica had started lecturing her.

"We'll be there in another two days, if we continue to fly at this rate. We'll have to pause in the mornings to refuel, but other than that we're good," Erica whispered back to me, and I closed my eyes. Two more days in this stupid metal bird.

"And if we don't go at this pace?" I asked her.

"Well it doesn't matter does it, Ben? Because if you know me, I'm not going to change pace. And you need to read up on this virus."

"My head hurts too much to read," I groaned. Although I couldn't see her, I felt Erica roll her eyes.

"And when Nathan Hale got a headache, do you think he stopped what he was doing and complained?"

"Erica!" I cried, exasperated. Charlotte shifted beside me, and I fell back into a whisper. "Nathan Hale was the best spy in history. I'm not necessarily at his level of competence. I am only fourteen, give me a break."

Erica fell silent for several long minutes. Then she spoke so quietly, it seemed as if she didn't believe she was saying it herself.

"You've been a spy for two years, and you started out as a normal boy who can't control his emotions. Now, you actually have a brain, and you use it to your advantage. You still have to develop, but think of where you might be in six years or more. I didn't get to where I am from doing nothing. I was like you at one point, Ben."

I couldn't find the words to reply. Erica... Was complimenting me. Or as far as complements went with her.

"Aww, the Icequeen is tired enough that she is being nice to the Smokescreen. How cute." I almost screamed again as Charlotte spoke. "You know, Erica, your nice side is way nicer than anyone else's that I know."

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