Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I sprinted down the hall, trying to quickly get through the huge crowd of people that began to spill out into the hallway. I wanted to get to Leah and see how she was holding up.

Last night I told Leah, everything. I called her up as soon as I could and told her all about Jared. About seeing him with that girl at my job, about seeing him with that other girl at the bowling alley, everything. When I told her, there was silence on the other end of the line then, I could hear her break out into soft sobs. She cried for a really long time and it was really hard to hear, She was so heart broken. I went over to her house not caring that it was one thirty in the morning and stayed with her the whole entire day yesterday. I brought her anything that I thought would make her feel better, including Cookies and Cream ice cream, ten copies of Seventeen Magazine, and all five seasons of The Hills.

But, none of it really helped. She was to busy crying over Jared to even enjoy any of the things that I brought her. She kept saying things like 'I remember when he took me to the carnival and he told me that he loved me for the first time under the Ferris Wheel.' or 'I remember the time when he stayed with me when I was sick and he brought me soup.' all of which I kept muttering 'He cheated on you, forget him.' But she never listened. When her crying had subsided, I left her telling her to call me if she needed anything. She didn't call me at all last night, so I think that she might be feeling better.

Up ahead, I could see her petite frame standing at her locker and spinning the dial on her combination lock. I walked up to her quickly, anxious to see how she was feeling.

"Hey Leah, how are you feeling?" I asked.

She turned to me and gave me a bright smile. "I'm feeling great."

I let out a deep breath, relieved. "That's great. I'm glad. So, what made you feel better?"

"Well, when you left I called Jared. I told him everything that you told me that he did. But, he told me that it was all a misunderstanding and that you just jumped into conclusions and thought that he was cheating, when really, those girls were just his cousins."

"What?!" I shouted. Misunderstanding? Oh please, that was not a misunderstanding. I don't recall guys holding hands with their cousins or putting their arms around them being known as normal.

"Yeah, but it's okay Kait. I know that your trying to protect me and everything, but you really have to stop accusing Jared of doing things that he isn't."


"Jared also told me that you were just telling me those things, so that I could break up with him and you could have him all to yourself. He told me that you've been flirting with him."

"WHAT?" I shouted even louder, which caused some people to look our way.

"It's okay though, I don't blame you if you flirted with him. He's such a great guy that I know it must be hard not to have him. I'm going to stop getting jealous for little things like that." Leah said with a relaxed smile.

"Leah, you know how much I hate Jared. I would never flirt with him. He's obviously lying!"

"It's okay, Kait. I already told you, I'm not mad at you. I know that you weren't trying to break us up. But, if you flirted with him a little, it's okay." She said as she closed her locker.

I couldn't believe this. How can she believe Jared over me? Why would she even believe that I flirted with him? As I was silently fuming about this, I spotted Drew down the hall by the water fountain.

"Wait here," I told Leah.

I ran over to Drew, who was now taking a drink out of the water fountain. "Drew, come with me." I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards me.

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