Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

My foot is in a bucket, there is an overwhelming smell of Clorox filling the room, and the mop sitting across from me has some unidentifiable chunks in it, that I really don't mind not knowing what they are. In other words, I am in the janitor's closet. I have been sitting here, careful not to move an inch for what feels like an eternity. In reality, it's only been ten minutes. But still, being in here for that long is an eternity.

Since I was in a panic to get away from Jared as fast as possible, I pulled the first door that opened. Not knowing that it would lead to this hell. Now, don't get me wrong, there are probably some really nice janitor's closets out there, some that are very clean and probably smell like Lysol.

However, the one that I am currently in is just...disturbing. The smell of Clorox was intertwining itself with a smell of what seemed like dirty gym socks and mop water to make a very uncomfortable stench. God, knows how many bugs that haven't been discovered by scientists yet are crawling all about this room. It just sends shivers down my spine. And the constant drip, drip coming out of the sink's faucet in the corner is definitely not making this any more endurable.

I stiffened at the sound of a set of footsteps nearing the closed door. It must be Jared. I'm almost positive. In the couple minutes that I've been here, I haven't heard him come by. I shut my eyes and held my breath, waiting for the footsteps to pass the door and continue on down the hallway, but they didn't.

I quickly opened my eyes in panic. Did he know that I was in here? Did he see me come into this room and is waiting out there 'til I come out? Oh, geez. I can't do this. It feels like I'm in a horror film and Mr. Jared out there is the psycho killer waiting to slash me up.

I looked down at the camera that I held in my hands. Was this all really worth it? Being chased by the raging Jared and risking being hurt all just to show Leah a picture? A simple little picture? What am I thinking?Yes,I thought to myself. Of course it's worth it, I've finally got the proof that I've been going crazy to have, I can't stop now!

On the other side of the door, a shrill ringing sliced the silence. It sounded like a cellphone. I heard the footsteps stop right outside the door and then a husky voice said, "Yeah?"

I realized with panic that it was Jared.

"Yeah, I'm still in the school -pause- No, I'm chasing down Kaitlyn, the idiot thought that it was cute to take pictures of me and Sandra together. -another pause- Yeah, we were making out, now do you see why I'm screwed? -long pause- Yeah, she's still in here somewhere, I just got to find her, seriously though..."

I tried to listen in more closely on his conversation with whoever was on the other end of that phone, but his voice seemed to become a bit muffled as it seemed that he was going back in the direction that he had come from.

Okay, this is my chance. I have to get out of here now. I need to get out of the school and bolt over to Leah's house to show her the picture. Now all I have to do is open the door and run as best as I could in these murderous heels.

With a bit of effort I pulled my foot out of the bucket, careful not to make a lot of noise and slowly stood up. I walked over to the door and held on to it's knob. I can do this, I can do this, just turn the knob, open the door and run.

I took a deep breathe and did just that. Once I stumbled out onto the hallway, I made the mistake of looking in Jared's direction.

"Yeah, I'm not sure about-" He noticed me and swung his hand, that carried his phone, at me. "Hey, wait!" He called out.

"Ah!" I yelled and sprinted for the stairs. I ran as if I was being chased by a tiger or a murderer, which Jared could most likely be, and didn't look back. My hair was flying around all over the place, I must've looked like a madwoman, but who cares? All I needed now was some intense theme music. As I got to the first floor, my feet started to really bother me. I considered taking the heels off and run the whole rest of the way barefoot but A) that would take up a lot of time and B) Uhm, ew? The floors here are like, dirty.

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