Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

“Wilkes, you get one call. Use it wisely.” The woman wearing a navy blue uniform told me in a dull tone.

I nodded sullenly, and walked over to the payphone that was situated near a couple of gray, uncomfortable looking chairs. The strong smell of bitter coffee wafted throughout the room, waking me up a bit. This made me really realize where I actually was. The police station.

Yup, I, Kaitlyn Wilkes was in the police station being held under arrest. I couldn’t believe it had gotten to this, one moment I’m trying to explain myself to the snotty hostess and the next I’m being shoved around by cops while they clasped handcuffs around my wrist, causing me to experience the most humiliation of my entire life.

As the officers walked or more like shoved me out of the restaurant, I hung my head, I couldn’t bare to look up. The flashing red and blue lights notified everyone who were either walking, driving, or running by that someone was being arrested. And that someone was me. The good girl who never got into any trouble as a child.

Liam and Leah both wore looks of shock, Britney wore one of disgust and Jared was laughing so loud, I’m surprised China didn’t call filing a noise complaint.

I picked up the phone and gripped it tightly in my clammy hand. I carefully punched in the numbers to my brother’s cell, praying that he’d pick up. There was no way that I was going to call my parents and let them know about this. However, I definitely knew that my brother was probably going to need some bribing to keep shut about this.

After a couple of rings, a sleepy voice answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Dylan?” I asked.

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Relief surged through me. “Dylan, this is Kait and I’m calling from the police station, can you please come and help me?”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.


“Is this some kind of joke?” He asked, clearly amused.

“No, I’m serious, okay? Now can you please just get over here?”

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t little miss good girl getting in trouble for once.”

I sighed. “Is that a yes?”

“What did you do anyway? Bore someone to death? Force someone to recycle? Oh no, I got it, you chased down a guy for littering, right?”

“No, it wasn’t that.” I said annoyed.

“Then what was it?”

“Dylan, can you just get your ass over her?”

“Nope, not until you tell me what you did.”

I sighed and lowered my voice. “I vandalized a bathroom at a fancy restaurant. There I said it, okay?”

There were a couple of minutes before he stopped laughing.

“Are you done?” I asked.

“Haha, well aren’t you a little badass.”

“Now are you coming or not?”

“Okay, fine, fine. Just give me a couple of minutes, I’ll be there.”

I smiled in triumph. “Oh thank you so much!”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Oh and uh Dylan?”


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