Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey Guys, I usually don't write author's notes but, I just really wanted to thank all the people who have been becoming my fans and who have added my story to their Libraries. You are all absolutely fabulous! :] Also, thanks for all the comments you've been leaving. It means a lot to me that you guys are taking the time to read my story.(: And, thank you so very much for dealing with my EXCRUCIATINGLY slow uploads. So sorry, but I'm a perfectionist and I usually like to make sure everything looks good. Honestly, if I could hug each and every one of you, I soo would! I La-La-La-Love You All, I hope you enjoy the rest of the book.♥

Chapter 15

"Alright, I'm absolutely stuffed. What do we do now?" Drew asked as he shifted around on the carpet almost hitting me in the face.

We had just finished eating our dinner, and boy was it great. Leah and Brooke made a delicious meal that consisted of a Greek salad, pasta complete with garlic bread and a super tasty chocolate cake for dessert. I didn't know that they could cook this well, and we were all murmuring compliments while we stuffed our faces with food. Leah and Brooke seemed to beam with delight at that.

However throughout the dinner, Natalie kept shooting me harsh looks of disgust and hate from her side of the table. I tried to ignore her, but it was difficult. To make matters worse, I couldn't even enjoy the iced tea with my meal because Natalie made it and I had the strongest suspicion that she had spit in my drink.

I felt horrible because I didn't really have a big part in making the dinner, but honestly, I'm very challenged in the cooking department. The girls basically pushed me out of the kitchen, telling me that I'd be better off setting the table. That was very smart of them, I suppose.

Now, we're all hanging out in the living room. Leah and Jared are sitting on a two-seater couch cuddling, Chris and Liam are sprawled out on a three-seater couch tossing a small ball back and forth, Tyler is laying upside down on a small couch that seats one, Drew and I are both laid out on the carpet floor while Natalie and Brooke sit Indian style across from us.

"Hmmm, I don't know. What do you feel like doing?" Brooke asked Drew.

Drew sighed and shifted, again almost hitting me in the face.

"Watch it," I muttered.

Drew ignored me and said. "Dunno. But, let's think up something fast. I think Tyler over there is falling asleep."

We all looked over at where Tyler was laying in his uncomfortable position, and sure enough he was snoring lightly.

"Well, we can't go out. It's seems like there's a blizzard out there." Natalie said pointing towards the window.

I sighed, listening to the harsh wind hit against the windows. "True."

Jared's eyes seemed to brighten with an idea. "I know, we can play a game."

Chris grinned and held the ball that he had been tossing in his hand. "What kind of game?"

I felt a nervous knot form in my stomach. If Jared had an idea, chances are that it wasn't going to be a very good natured one.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Jared suggested.

Everyone except for Chris, Jared, Tyler (who was still asleep by the way) and Leah groaned.

"Oh come on. That is so junior high." Natalie said with disgust.

"She's right." Liam agreed.

Natalie seemed to glow at his words. I tried not to roll my eyes.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Liam look over at me, but I avoided his gaze. I wanted to act like our almost kiss never happened. I didn't want Natalie to think that there was anything going on between us. Even if that means staying away from him for now, anything so that Natalie wouldn't murder me. Liam and I also agreed to keep our newly found alliance a secret as well. Liam had to act just like he's been acting before we had our talk. That was of course the obvious thing to do, we didn't need Jared targeting him as well.

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