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The winter break ended about a week ago and everyone is back at school, training for the upcoming competition season. Our competition is next week and we leave two nights before as we have rehearsals all day and then one day of group performances and then the next day of duos and solos. We have been training non stop day and night, even in our free time as this is the second biggest competition of the year, regionals. It determines whether you go to nationals or not.

Seungyoun and I have been closer than ever this past week since the end of the winter break, always hanging out whenever we're not training. Hyejin is convinced we're dating and just haven't told anyone anything but truthfully, I don't know what we are, we don't talk about it and i definitely don't want to be the one to bring up the subject. We'll just let things happen. But I do catch myself thinking about that boy a lot, sometimes more than just as a friend but I will never admit to that.

I put on my gymnastic slippers before walking into our hall where we have the class. For some reason, the gymnasium is split in two with the volleyball class practicing on the other side. I frown as I walk over to Yoona. "If this was so easy, why couldn't we have done this earlier?" She looks at me and then back at the class with her arms crossed. "I think Mrs.Hwang and the volleyball coach started dating and that's why they're being so kind and caring. It's weird." I shrug and turn around before catching sight of Mina who's in the middle of what I've come to think of as her clique, staring at us with a little smirk. "What are you gonna do?" She mouths and Yoona lifts up her arm as if getting ready to run to their side and beating the shit out of her. I pull her back and drag her to our circle where the coach comes into the room. "I better not see a single mistake in your training today! If there is a slight issue, we will be going through the dances over and over again throughout the day." I sigh.

Understandable that we have to do that but come one woman, give us a little break. The constant practicing with the small amount of food I eat has been taking a toll on me, even though I am used to it.
We all walk past the volleyball players as they're on their break to change into our leotards for the competition, making sure to forcefully bump into them on our way to the changing rooms. We don't want to say it out loud but it always feels great walking into gymnasiums with our leotards on, makeup and slicked back hair. I see the other class look at us with their glares and I quietly laugh to myself before rushing to Hyejin.

We go through each and every single one of our dances. Making sure we all do a good job and we sigh whenever coach moves on to the next performance without too bad of a negative comment. Hyejin does her solo and does amazingly, next is Yoona who never seems to disappoint either and finally it's my turn. I crack my bones before going on the center of the floor and start.

Mid performance as I do one of the acrobatic moves, I miss calculate a step and fall to the floor pretty badly. I didn't get hurt to the point of not being able to continue but it definitely made me completely mess up the rest of the dance. The music stops and I just stand there with my head hung low while the rest of the class looks with wide eyes or painful looks on their faces while coach shakes her head. "Yeseul. What happened?" "I- I guess I miscalculated my move." She shakes her head. "No. You just weren't paying attention. Where is your head?" I apologize knowing there's no use in telling her she's wrong.

"She's busy thinking about Seungyoun." I hear the volleyball girls snicker but I don't even bother reacting. "It's dinner time you girls can go but Yeseul you stay here. Make sure not to eat too much!" The girls get up and rush to the changing rooms. The volleyball coach dismisses his team too and soon it's just coach and I.

"Yeseul, you are one of my best students and I value you a lot. I know this competition means a lot to you even though you don't show it. But I don't want you making careless mistakes that are easily avoidable. You are always a winner, why stop now? I know you want to get drafted in the olympic team, so don't slack off now. Keep pushing. I know I yell at you and the class a lot but it's because I want the best for you. Now I want you to go through the dance one last time before you can go." I nod and walk back to the center of the floor and pick up my ribbon.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now