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Last training of the week. That's what I've been telling myself all day. Saturday trainings are the worst, all you want to do is rest but here you are, in the room practicing. The group training is already done but now I'm practicing for my solo. We only have the group training but after we can stay and practice some more on our own, which is what I'm currently doing. Two other girls were on the other side of the room, half messing around, half actually practicing.

I throw my clubs in the air for the tenth time and roll on the floor, following the objects. "Ah!" I shout in pain as I miss one of them and instead of falling into my hand, it falls on my nose. The two girls gasp when they see me clutching my nose and crouched down on the floor. "Are you alright?" They rush over to me. I stand up and give them a smile, poor freshmen don't know that this isn't anything new to us. "I'm fine, thanks. I'll leave you two to make sure everything is closed when you leave okay?" They nod and bow before I turn and walk away, my head back with my hand still closing my nose.

"Take out the tissue, I'll give you ice cubes." The infirmary tells me, handing me a handkerchief surrounding a few ice cubes. "How did this happen?" She asks me, already knowing the answer. "Club landed on my nose." She hisses, imagining the pain. "I checked and luckily it's not broken but be careful next time. Especially if you'll be using them for a while. I heard you got another solo." I nod at her statement and stand up once she's done treating me. "Thank you. I'll take better care of myself." I tell her automatically. 


"Oh, Kang Yeseul, what happened?" I turn my head to the right leaving the room and see Seungwoo with Seungyoun walking towards me. "Did you break your nose?" Seungwoo asks me, worried and I shake my head, "No, thank god or else I would've been kicked out of the team." Seungwoo grimaces at my words, knowing that it's true because it already happened. If you can't play for the team, you lose your spot on the team and it's incredibly hard to get your spot back. "I just got a nosebleed but I'm fine, my legs hurt more." I let out a laugh, trying to lift up the mood. "Where are you two headed?" I ask them. "We're going to go have lunch, you should join us." Seungyoun says and I remember the scolding I got a few days ago by coach about my weight. "Fuck it, what are we eating?" I ask them and Seungwoo looks taken aback while Seungyoun lets out a smirk.

"What can you eat?" the older of the two asks me, recalling my multiple complaints about not being able to eat everything. "Nothing but I would rather be killed killed by coach than die of hunger. Where do you want to eat?" I look at them expectantly to which Seungwoo let's out a small, breathy laugh. "We're going to have chicken." Seungyoun answers already opening the door and Seungwoo and I follow suite.


"I'm going to be broke with the amount of food you're eating- Yah, leave us some!" Seungyoun complains, smacking my hand away from touching the chicken. "Yeseul, oh my god, stop." Seungwoo stares at the two of us bickering at each other, confused as to how we're already so confortable with each other after a few days and happy that we're getting along...? "Oh, how is your nose?" Seungwoo asks me with concern and I touch to see if it's still painful before answering, "It still hurts a bit but it doesn't bother me, I forgot about it." He nods with a pout, "You should be more careful next time." He warns and I give him a blank stare, "Says you, you have something every week, you should be the careful one." I turn back to look at the empty plate and then at Seungyoun, "Who's down for round three?" He shakes his head, "My wallet says no." "Whatever I'm not even that hungry anymore, in fact I feel like I'm going to throw up." I get up from my seat and rush to the toilet, throwing everything back up.

"You dumb bitch." I tell myself, looking at the mirror while washing my hands. "This isn't even the first time." I walk out of the bathroom but bump into Seungwoo. "I'm sorry, I should've chosen another place, you're not used to eating this." I wave him off, "It's fine, don't worry, I had fun and the food was good who cares about the consequences, right?" I laugh hoping to lighten up the mood.

"Thanks for lunch." I thank Seungyoun who joins us after paying for the meal. He gives me a look of pity but composes himself, "Yeah you should be thankful, you owe me a meal." He points his finger at me and I smile and nod. We start walking back to campus but Seungyoun stops, "It's the weekend, shouldn't we go have fun?" He says enthusiastically. "I'm tired though." I mutter with a pout. Seungyoun gives me a disappointed look, "Boo you whore." "Did you just quote Mean Girls?" Seungwoo asks accompanied with a chuckle. Suddenly, Seungwoo's phone starts ringing, he takes it out of his back pocket and his smile falls, "It's coach." He answers the phone call, walking alongside us.

After a minute or two, Seungwoo hangs up and rolls his eyes, "Coach needs my help with something, I need to run. I can leave you two together right? Without someone dying." We both nod with a sheepish smile and in return he gives one back. I bow to him and we go our own separate ways.

I start walking with Seungyoun a bit behind me, on his phone. "Feeling okay?" he asks me, putting his phone in his pocket and coming to walk next to me. I nod and tell him I'm fine. "You wanted to do something?" "Yeah, how about going out tonight?" I raise a brow at him, "Where?" "I have a few friends who are planning on going to a bar tonight, I wasn't thinking of going but if you want to come we'll go."

I give him a look, "You really want to see drunk Yeseul again? And in front of all your friends that I don't know?" He rolls his eyes and tells me that it's fine and that I don't have to drink. "Fine, I guess I'll go." He gives me a smile and we continue walking towards university.


I come out of the shower and grab my phone when I hear it vibrate.

Cho Seungyoun
8 p.m in front of your dorm.

I look at his message and look at the time before letting out a breathy laugh. "He really thinks I could get ready in 30 minutes? I didn't even find an outfit." Thankfully, I already showered so all I have to do is make myself look presentable. "What should I wear." I ask myself and tap my chin in deep thought.

I look at my closet and try to find something. Having no idea, I call my roommate. "Hyejin, we have a problem. Skirt or pants? Is it cold outside?" "It's summer how can it be cold?"

After a long debate we decide that I should go with

"Finally, what took you so long?" Seungyoun exclaims as I run up to him, almost tripping

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"Finally, what took you so long?" Seungyoun exclaims as I run up to him, almost tripping. "I didn't know what to wear and I wanted to wear makeup." "Why are you so stressed?" He asks looking me up and down. "I suck at meeting new people so I want to give a good first impression." We run to the bus stop, seeing the bus arrive from afar.


"Can I back out please?" I beg Seungyoun as the two of us get off the bus, "I'm too scared to meet new people, what if they don't like me?" I shiver and back away. He grabs my arm and pulls me back, "You're exaggerating. We became friends pretty fast." He points out, "That's because I was drunk and outgoing." "And that's how you'll be again tonight so what's the problem?" He raises his eyebrows as if challenging me. But before I can say anything he starts dragging me towards the bar where his friends are waiting.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now