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The next morning, I wake up with a huge headache, instantly regretting my decision to drink so much last night. I sit up and look towards Hyejin who's sitting at her desk, putting some makeup on. "Good morning. I feel like death." She looks at me through her mirror and a devilish smile makes its way to her lips before turning around to face me properly.

"How was the kiss?" I furrow my brows at what she says, getting a bit worried. "What kiss?" Her eyes widen and the smile grows wider, "You don't remember?" I shake my head, was it a random kiss? "I don't remember anything after getting to the club."

"Oh Yeseul... you kissed Seungyoun." She chuckles a bit, recalling the memory while I'm just frozen in shock. "No, I didn't." Hyejin nods her hand, assuring me that it's true. "Yes, you did." I lie back down in bed and pull the covers back up as the memories from the previous night start flooding in. "Let's pretend I never woke up and this conversation never happened. Good night." She shakes her head before standing up and walking over to my bed and sits down on the edge.

"What are you going to do about it?" I answer back but it comes out muffled because of the covers covering my mouth. "What?" I gently pull the blanket away only showing my face, "I'm going to avoid him." She looks at me, taken aback by what I said, "What? Why?" "I can't face him after embarrassing myself like that. Gee what was I thinking..." "I don't think you were thinking at all." Hyejin pats my head sincerely. "Maybe he'll also think I was drunk and it was- nevermind there is no better situation."

Hyejin forces me out of bed to get ready. "Honestly, if he doesn't bring it up, pretend it didn't happen or that you don't remember unless he does, then I don't really know how to help you." I choke on my food, "Hyejin how is that supposed to help? Anyway, I wouldn't have remembered if you didn't tell me. Whatever, I'm going to avoid him." She sighs, knowing she can't convince me otherwise. "Fine, just know that it's not a good idea. Come on, let's go get something to eat."

I manage to avoid Seungyoun and the rest of the boys the whole morning, which is a surprise considering the amount of times I see them in the hallway. "Kang Yeseul!" Seungyoun comes around the corner and waves as soon as he sees me. My eyes widen and I quickly do a U-turn and go the other way, leaving a confused Seungyoun behind. Even though my class was where I was initially going, I continue walking. Looks like we'll have to take the longer route.

"So, why is she avoiding Seungyoun?" I hear Hangyul ask Hyejin, "Why are you avoiding Seungyoun?" I stare blankly into space with my head resting on my hands. "Yeseul? Hello?" Hangyul asks and waves a hand in front of my face. "I embarrassed myself." I answer and finally look up to him. "What do you mean? Is it because of last night?" Hearing his words, I sink into my seat to the point of almost falling on the floor. "She's in the middle of a crisis." Yoona tells the guy who is sitting in front of me.

"Who cares if you kissed him? Shit like this happens all the time? Don't you and Hyejin make out at basically any party?" "It's different." "How? You're best friends with both of them." He says, confused until something clicked and his eyes widen. "You like him! Please say you do, I've been waiting for you two to get together since I saw you two together in the hallway." Hyejin laughs at what he says and agrees while I stay still, mortified. "I don't want our friendship to end." "Yeseul, I'm going to be honest right now, you're being an idiot. If you think that a small kiss will end your friendship with Seungyoun, you're wrong. He's a great guy and definitely won't stop talking to you because of a drunken kiss. And if he does, let me know because I will beat the shit out of him." I let out a soft laugh at his words and thank him.

We finish our meals not long before the start of our classes and start walking our separate ways to go to our classes. I'm surprised I managed to avoid pretty much all of the boys today. I take a deep breath of relief as I start walking to the building to start training. "Let's just focus on practice."

The rest of the day was spent at training, going through every performance enough for me to be completely numb. "If she wants us to do a good job at the competition, she should stop killing us like this, I can't feel my arms." I agree with Mirae, one of the girls from the group as we continue practicing even after the coaches leave. We are once again in the big gymnasium with the volleyball class, which is a bad idea, obviously. Out of all classes it has to be them. The teachers left about thirty hours ago after practice ended. Our team finally takes a break, sitting on the floor or grabbing water from our bags while the other class just plays around.

Suddenly, one of our girls is hit by a ball, making her fall on the floor. We rush towards her, checking to see if she's hurt. Chaeyoung, the girl, rolls to her back and clutches arm, probably hurting it when she falls. Her eyes are closed and she's taking deep breaths. "I'm going to murder them." Yoona says, her voice is deeper than usual and you can tell she's had enough. She stands back up and turns to walk over the team. "Who threw the ball?" None of them answer. "I said. Who threw the ball?" I stand up from my position next to Chaeyoung and walk over to Yoona.

One of them throws another ball, trying to hit Yoona but I reach my arm forward in an instant, catching it. "You. Come here." The girls look taken aback after seeing me catch the ball. "What are you going to do? Beat us up?" Mina asks with a scoff. "Actually, yes. We will." I answer back as more girls from our team come closer to me and Yoona. "The teachers are all gone, there's no holding back now."

To be fair, I didn't expect the volleyball team to actually come to us and try to fight, I was convinced I had scared them off. The thing is, we weren't going to back down either. Which explains the different bruises on our faces and bodies.

"I'm even more sore now. Gosh what is Yohan going to think?" Hyejin whines while looking at the bruise on her shoulder and arm through the mirror. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to get like this." She shakes her head, "Don't say sorry, I'd gladly beat them any chance I get. You and Yoona took the most hits."

She's right, I think as I take a glance at my own mirror, seeing the bruise on the side of my jaw, arms and legs. I open my mouth to say something else but I'm interrupted by the sound of my phone buzzing on my desk. My eyes slightly widen in panic.

Come outside

"Hyejin, Seungyoun is asking me to go outside." I tell her, panicked. "So?" "I can't!" "You're still avoiding him?" I nod, "Well yeah." "Just go, who knows maybe he doesn't remember either." I sigh, maybe I should just give up and stop avoiding him. "Fine, I'll go. Pray for me." "Whatever." Hyejin chuckles at my last sentence."

I walk outside and see Seungyoun standing in front of the entrance of the dorm trying to stay warm in his coat. He looks up, hearing the door open and a smile starts appearing on his face until it stops and his expression changes. "What happened to you?" My heartbeat starts increasing, thinking he's going to mention last night. I stop walking as soon as I'm near him. "What do you mean?" "Why are you bruised on your face?"


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