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Today is day two of practice and the day before the start of competitions. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I've been feeling sick and tired from the amount of practice we've been doing since we got here and from school. It's always like this, so I don't think much of it, but it's definitely not a pleasant feeling. It's already mid-afternoon and we've been practicing all day. The boys said they were going to join us and watch the rehearsals so they must be here any moment now.

I walk to Yoona, stretching my arms as they are cramping up. Yoona is going through some of her tricks with the ball for her solo but stops when she sees me come closer. "Yeseul, you look terrible." I let out a breathy laugh, "That's very kind of you. I feel like shit actually." I go down in splits to stretch my legs and play around with the ribbon. We continue talking and stretching until I hear familiar voices. I look up and see some people from the school as well as Yohan and Seungyoun who are accompanied by Hyejin who currently has a big smile on her face, overjoyed by the fact that her boyfriend is here with her. I stand up from my position and start walking towards them. Seungyoun spots me and waves walking down to meet me halfway.

"Hello princess." The boy greets me with a hug. "Hello prince charming." We go towards Hyejin and Yohan who are too invested in each other to notice us. "Until when are you practicing?" Seungyoun asks me, "Probably until 5 p.m. We started at like 7 so I'm hoping coach won't be too harsh."

We sit together for a bit longer, talking about random things before coach calls everyone back on the floor. "We have the floor to ourselves until 5 p.m to go through our performances before the other teams come back. I want to go through all of them and I expect to see absolutely no mistakes." She walks to the chair in front of the floor and starts the music as soon as everyone is in place with their props.

We go through the group performance once, there are a couple of small mistakes. We go through it again, a ball is dropped on the floor. The more we practice the more mistakes we get. We are now going through the group performance for the fourth time.

Midway through the performance, my vision starts to blur and my ears start to ring and I can already tell what's about to happen. My vision goes black, making me lose my balance and fall to the floor.

The next time I open my eyes, the girls are crowding around me, trying to see if I'm okay and not hurt. I can only laugh at the situation, not being capable of crying. "I'm so sorry." I mutter through laughs and stand back up. "Sorry, I'm fine, I can practice again." I look up to see my coach sigh, "Take fifteen, go eat something." I look behind her and see Seungyoun, leaning against the fence, his face filled with worry before he mutters something to Yohan and leaves.

We walk out of the floor and into the changing rooms where I meet Seungyoun who is waiting in front of the door with some food in his hands. I gratefully grab them and we walk outside and sit at a bench near the entrance.

"How are you feeling now?" Seungyoun asks as he watches me eat the food. "Honestly, a lot better than before, I think fainting helped. He shakes his head, "Are you sure you can still train today?" I nod and pat his shoulder, "This happens all the time and look I'm still competing, so don't worry." "I just don't want you to get hurt." "Seungyoun, you don't have to worry about that, okay? I promise I won't get hurt." He sighs before nodding and I open my arms, signaling him to hug me.

After I finish eating, I walk back into the stadium where my team is slowly meeting up again while Seungyoun joins Yohan back at the bleachers. Thankfully, there aren't any more situations and practice finishes as peaceful as it can get. As soon as our coach dismisses us, we rush to the changing rooms and quickly take a shower and change and basically sprint to the bus as if this were a race.

In the evening, I go over to Seungyoun's room while Hyejin has Yohan over. I knock on the door and wait silently for an answer. The door finally opens to reveal Seungyoun with a towel in his hand, rubbing his head to try and dry it. "Come in." I walk into the room and notice that it's slightly different from ours. "Why are your beds bigger than our?" I gasp, noticing the difference. "Must be because they love us." Seungyoun answers with a small laugh before falling onto the bed. It's already dark outside so the only thing illuminating the room is the lamp hanging from the ceiling.

We continue talking and laughing about anything. Seungyoun telling stories from soccer as i share mine from rhythmic gymnastics. "Wait, pause the story, I need to go pee." I mutter in between laughter as I get up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.

"What's that scar on your back?" Seungyoun asks as soon as I come back into the room. I look at him confused until I realize what he means. My top probably rose up when i got out of the bed and he saw. "The one on your back." Seungyoun reaches over to touch the scar that is on my upper back, right in the middle. A place that is normally covered, one no one can see. "I got it from a car accident when I was young. It used to look a lot worse than it does now." I shiver at the small touch, "I normally cover it up when you can see it." "I like it, I don't see why you should be ashamed of it, but I understand."

Seungyoun hums at my story, listening intensely.
There's a silence as we look into each other's eyes. Our faces slowly inch closer to each other until there is only an inch of space left. I close my eyes, expecting what comes next. "I'm home!" Yohan's voice enters the room making Seungyoun and I bolt from each other. "Hey Yeseul!" I wave back at him, feeling the heat on my cheeks grow. "I'm gonna go, don't want to be too tired tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow!" I rush my words as I climb out of the bed and walk to the door as fast as possible before exiting the room.

"Holy shit, that was so embarrassing." 

Heyyyyy ok so I'm in new york rn which is why i havent updated yet. The updates won't be often but i'll do my best to post as much as possible.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now