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The performances are over and there is a break before the prizes are given out. I walk towards the bleachers and spot Seungwoo. "Seungwoo!" I call out and he looks up from his phone. "Yeseul, you did great! I'm sure you're going to be able to move on to the other competitions, you're the ace after all." I chuckle a bit at his compliment. "Thanks." "After the competition, let's drive back to campus together, okay?" He asks just making sure even though that's what we always do.

After around thirty minutes, the gymnasts all walk back onto the floor where the podium stands with a long table alined with trophies and medals. Our team sits in front of our coach and we listen to her words of encouragement. "You all performed well so I don't doubt that you won't get a prize, Yoona you were good but you made a small mistake which took some points off your final mark. Girls, fighting!" We all out our hands in and shout out the word of encouragement together.

"We will start with the awards for group performances and after we will do the duos." The announcer starts announcing the fifth, fourth and third place and I start to get nervous. "Hyejin, I'm scared." She grabs my hand and squeezes it to try and reassure me. "Coming in second place is the group team from Sports University of Korea! Congratulations, please come to the podium and receive your prize." We all give each other a hug and step onto the second place before receiving a silver medals and two bouquets."

A bit of time passes and finally the most important moment of the competition arrives. "The solo performance award will begin now." Once again, the announcer lists off all the prizes from fifth and Yoona came third while my name still hasn't been called. Wether or not I did a good job and I'm aware, there is always this painful feeling in my stomach from the stress. "Coming in first place is... Kang Yeseul from Sports University of Korea! As the winner, your accommodation and transport will be paid by the organisation. Congratulations!" I look at my group in surprised. This has never happened before despite already coming first place a few times. "Kang Yeseul, congratulations!" My coach gives me a side hug with a big smile and my team mates pat me on the back and from a distance, I hear Seungwoo shouting my name. After hugging Yoona and bowing to the other winners, I stand on the top, with a gold medal, a trophy and a bouquet.


"Yah, you aren't called the ace for nothing." Seungwoo praises me as I go to him after the ceremony is over. "Stop~ You keep on praising me and it's making me feel bad." He rubs my back and takes out his phone. "Seungyoun kept on messaging me and freaked out when I sent him a picture of you receiving the prizes. How about I take a picture of you in front of the wall to send to you and him." I grin, hearing his story about the young man. "Here, give me your bag so that it doesn't bother you. Okay now smile." Seungwoo lets out a smile of his own as he takes a picture of me, holding my awards.

"You know, I've been meaning you ask you this." Seungwoo starts with a smirk, "What's going on with you and Seungyoun?" I roll my eyes and try to hold back the small blush that tries to tint my cheeks. "There's nothing going between us, we're just really close. I think." "What about Byungchan, he seems to have an interest in you. Who's it gonna be." He teases me and I slap his arm, "Stop making this a competition. We'll just see what happens." I say, "We'll see."

We arrive back on campus around five p.m, a lot later than expected but we had to stop because we got hungry. Our trips together back from competitions are always memorable, Seungwoo having the presence of a best friend and brother. "Bye, Seungwoo. Thanks for the ride back! Tell me when your next game is so I can get ready for it." I say with a friendly wink. He nods and we hug each other before going our separate ways.


Entering the room, I see Hyejin in her bed watching our performance. "Hey." I greet her, sitting on my bed. "Hi, I keep on watching our dance and honestly, I'm surprised we didn't come first, we aced it." She says and shows her phone screen. "Don't worry, we'll come first next time. Did you see the way coach complimented you? I have a feeling someone will be getting a solo~" I sing and Hyejin puts on a dreamy face. "Out of all three years here, I've never had a solo. Only duos and group performances." I give her a small, sad smile. It's true that not a lot of the gymnasts were able to get solos which makes a lot of them dislike us. "You'll get one. If not this time then next. I'm sure getting one for nationals will be pretty cool." She nods and gets out of bed to go to the bathroom.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now