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Upon returning to the venue, I'm ushered over by Hyejin and Yoona who are standing in a corner away from our table. I leave Seungyoun to go join the girls and the closer I get the more I hear the squeals coming from them, mostly Hyejin.

"What happened?" "They hooked up!" Squeals Hyejin once again, jumping up and down while holding Yoona's hand, who laughs at the girl's reaction. It takes me a few seconds to try and remember the name of the guy, the alcohol obviously blocking my brain cells from functioning. My eyes widen when I realize, "You and Seungwoo!" I start joining Hyejin and so does Yoona and we just start jumping around in excitement. "Holy shit, let's go!" "Now, Yeseul it's your turn to get with Seungyoun." Hyejin winks at me and I feel my cheeks burn. Sure that would be nice but I highly doubt it would happen.

We continue talking about Yoona and Seungwoo and what had happened before Hyejin interrupts her, "Wait, where did you guys do it?" Hyejin asks before Yoona bites her lip, embarrassed. "Bathroom sink." I snort and bring my hand up to my mouth in surprise, "No way." We all laugh, "I mean, when there aren't rooms available you go with the next best choice. And anyway, the bathrooms were a lot nicer than whatever we have back at school. If I had to pick a place between this bathroom and the school dorms, I would choose these bathrooms." She says to which we all agree and giggle even more.

"I mean if you think about it, me and Yeseul have done it in some questionable locations, to be fair." Hyejin adds to the topic and my laugh grows louder. "Don't you remember that one time we went on summer vacation to that one place in Busan?" She looks at me to which I nod, my smile growing, "I did it on the balcony at a hotel two years ago. But Yeseul here, one of her iconic places of 'I'm gonna have sex anywhere but a bedroom' being on the laundry room floor." Yoona chokes on her drink and starts laughing even more. Soon we're just all in pain from laughing from the sex stories. "She doesn't have sex that often either but when she does, it's the biggest news of the year because it's always such a crazy story." Hyejin explains while bringing up another story about me sex life.

"Hey, ladies" We look behind as our conversation is cut short. I wipe away a tear from laughing too hard and see Hangyul come over towards us. I wrap my arm around his shoulder, drunkenly and bring him closer to us. "What's up?" I ruffle his hair a bit and laugh. "The boys are wondering when you guys are ready to go clubbing? We have a table in about an hour." I suddenly remember our plans to go clubbing after our time here at the venue and I get filled with more excitement. We nod, "Let's go." and follow him back to the table, slightly tripping occasionally.

I grab my bag and start walking outside but take a look back at the room and how well it's decorated. The venue has already lost a small amount of people, probably already doing their after prom activities, whatever they are but there are still people dancing and others sitting at the tables seeming to be in very intense conversations.

We hop back into the limo that was waiting for us and drive back to school, drinking the few bottles of whatever is left in the limo. The boys are talking amongst themselves, probably continuing their conversations from their time at the table. When we arrive back on campus, we all agree to meet back at a certain time before all going our own ways to change into more appropriate attire. Yoona comes along with me and Hyejin as we already prepared our outfits for the club.

"I don't know what it is, but I have a good feeling about tonight. For all of us- also Yeseul, you look really hot, if I wasn't with Yohan, I would've taken Seungyoun's spot and gotten with you." Hyejin slurs while slipping the last strap of her dress. "I hope so too but I don't know what to expect other than drinking some more." I answer back and after checking we have everything, we start walking back out.

We all meet up again in front of the main gates of campus with two cars waiting for us. I start walking but I stop for a bit as I feel a jacket being thrown over my shoulders. I look up to my side and see Seungyoun walk by my side. "Don't want you getting sick, do we now?" His infamous smirk is showing and I wrap my arms around the jacket, huffing. "I'm not going to get sick." He doesn't say anything in response, just shakes his head at me and the two of us get in the car, being the last ones.

As soon as the door is shut, the driver starts driving towards the club. The excitement is evident while we all wait to get to the big club. This is bound to be an interesting way to end the night.

"First round of shots are on me!" Wooseok says, waving the waiter over. The club is packed with people but not where it's unbearable.

We're at a nice table on the second floor with a view showing the first floor where the dance floor is. It's actually quite fancy. There are a few other tables on this floor as well. We all cheer at the sound of that and I take a sip from my drink after clinging it with Seungyoun's.

"I think I'm going to have to be your supervisor tonight like the first time we met. Remember that?" I cringe at his words, recalling our first time being together. "I left a great first impression considering we're still talking to this day." I shrug my shoulders with a proud look on my face. "You don't even know." "What? The music's too loud. I didn't hear what you said." I lean closer to him, waiting for him to repeat what he said but he shakes his head. "It's fine." I shrug and look over to the waiter bringing a big tray with shots.

"Cheers to another successful prom!" Hyejin shouts and we all put our glasses together before downing them. I make a face at the burning sensation as the liquid goes down my throat. "Ugh, that one hit." "Maybe that's your body's way of telling you to stop for the night. I know your limits, which you seemingly don't." Seungyoun says, putting his hand over mine as I put my glass down. "He's right, Yeseul, you're a decent drinker but you're either sober or absolutely wasted, there's no in between and you're the latter right now." Seungwoo adds to the conversation, looking at me with a bit of concern but mostly amusement.

I point at him, "Seungwoo, -two seconds I forgot to breath- okay, a little birdie told me you did something not too long ago." Seungwoo's eyes widen and his smirk gets even wider. Seungyoun apparently knows exactly what I'm about to say because he cuts me off, "Okay, Yeseul. Do you want to do something, do you want to go back home? Do you-" "I. Want to. Dance." I tell him, waving my arms around. He sighs and follows me after telling Seungwoo, he'll probably bring me back home soon.

Even though he, himself, is pretty drunk, his protective instincts kick in whenever I'm drunk, kind of like a babysitter to which I always feel bad and cry about to him at some point during the nights.

We walk down the stairs, my hand still holding his, sometimes a bit too tight as I try not to fall down the stairs. "Yeseul, tell me if you feel a little bit sick or if you want to go home, okay?" I nod but wave him off, assuring him I'm fine, and honestly I am. I'm great even.

I see some people from our group somewhere on the dance floor and we continue walking until we join them. I start dancing around with the girls to the music doing all different kinds of moves and then other times we're all dancing as a group. We're having way too much fun at this moment.

I turn around to face Seungyoun and wrap my arms around his neck, singing along to the lyrics of the song. He smiles and laughs at how much fun I'm having, while his hands are on my waist, just in case I fall, I think. "I love this song so much!" I say, with a loud voice for him to hear what I'm saying. "I know you do!" I grin at him and we continue dancing around the two of us and then sometimes again with the rest of the group.

I keep thinking back to my talks with the girls today. Should I? Probably not, he definitely won't want to. It's weird if we do, no? I really want to, though. Will he want to? Fuck it, I won't. Or actually...

I don't know how I got the sudden boost of confidence -probably from the alcohol, honestly- but while we're dancing together, the two of us, I make eye contact and in that moment, my brain shuts off and I don't realize that I'm putting my hands on his cheeks and bringing his face closer and as I take a look into his eyes, I look back down to his lips and don't think anymore as soon as my lips touch his soft ones...

And then I blacked out.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now