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After Jinhyuk's suggestion to go outside and walk around, I decided to wash after that, knowing that that would be a much wiser idea. In the end, six of us found ourselves outside in the middle of the big white forest while the rest decided to stay inside and prepare dinner for everyone.

"Yeseul look at this?" A voice calls out from behind me in the midst of chatter. As I turn around, I'm hit by a decent sized snowball right in the center of my face. A gasp escapes my lips while laughter erupts from the others. "Hangyul, it seems like you want your ask kicked." I threaten, dropping to the ground and piling up a bunch of snow, shaping it into a circle. Hangyul looks away for a moment and that is a great mistake. The snowball hits the bottom of his face and drops down to his neck and into his clothes. I start laughing at his cringing face.

"That's what you get." I stick my tongue out at him and walk towards Hyejin and think that that would be the end of a small snowball attack but boy was I wrong. Soon enough, everyone is covered in snow: some in the hair, on the coats and even in places you'd never think would be covered in the cold snow.

As we walk around some more, the different mountains surrounding us, covered by the soft white blanket and with tall dark trees make us feel calm. Without muttering a single word, I can feel what others feel. Different ski slopes are seen with people sliding down. "I want to ski." Jinhyuk says while looking at the ski slope in front of us as different people go down: families, couples, classes, professionals.

The group comes back into the big house where the rest are lounging in the living room while some are in the kitchen, preparing tonight's dinner. Yuvin, his girlfriend Dohee, her friend Minhae and Seungyoun are in the kitchen cooking something while music is blasting from the speakers.

"Oh you're back?" Minhae says, looking out from the kitchen. After taking off our coats and boots, we start piling into the living room. "Wait, are you naked under the apron?" Byungchan asks as he's the first to take a glance at the tall male. Our eyes follow his and my hand finds its way onto my mouth. Somehow they're all only wearing their undergarments under the aprons except for Yuvin who decided to go the extra mile and bare it all. Remembering Byungchan telling me about the secret relationship going on between Yuvin and Suhwan, my eyes slowly wander to him. The guy looks lost. Stuck between embarrassment, jealousy and want.

"What are you cooking?" I ask them. I hesitate entering the kitchen because of how crowded it is as well as the lack of clothing. They start listing all of the dishes made and in the process of being made and I can feel my mouth watering. "We're hungry!" Jinhyuk shouts from the living room. I let the lot continue doing what they're doing and I walk back to my room to finally take a much wanted shower.

Dinner is ready and we're all sitting at the long table and having animated conversations while eating the well made food. I'm seated between Seungwoo and Junho, Seungwoo is already talking to Byungchan while Junho is calmly eating his food. "So what do you think so far?" I ask him? He finishes chewing his food, "It's pretty good so far, the house is really nice. I heard the guys say that tonight is going to be a calm night and tomorrow we will have a big party." He explains while adding food to his fork. I nod at his words and we continue having a small talk before Seungyoun and Hangyul do some act which makes all of us laugh hysterically.

We spend the rest of the night playing different games as well as coming up with plans for the next day.Not checking the time throughout the whole night, it's a surprise when Byungchan announces that it's almost 3 a.m. So we decide that it's time for us to start making our way to the rooms but Yohan, Hyejin and I stay behind to do the dishes after being the losers of the last game.

They barely get through one dish without being all lovey dovey so after a while of witnessing cringey skinship, I decide to let them go to their room and I finish what's left of the dishes, which thank god isn't much.

When I come out of the bathroom ready for bed, Seungyoun is already under the covers and on his phone with his glasses on. He looks up at me as I walk to my side of the bed. "Nice pj's." His smile shows his amusement. "Thanks, they're very cozy." I answer back. They're obviously not amazing, large checkered pants and a big ugly christmas sweater. "I'm sure..."

I get into bed and we just stay on our phones for a little bit before putting them away, darkness taking over, only the moon adds a bit of light. It's silent for a bit but then we hear a duo hysterically laughing and I recognize them as Jinhyuk and Wooseok. Their laughs are so loud that it makes Seungyoun and I chuckle. "Should I go hit them?" He asks as they're still laughing. I nod back sarcastically but he stays still. Gradually, the laughing fades and all that can be heard are our breaths.

"It's fucking cold." Seungyoun mutters and it's true, even with the heater on, the room is still cold. "Come here." A pout takes place on his lips and he opens his arms. I laugh and scoot over to him, wrapping my arms around him as he does the same. The blanket covers half of our faces. "Oh you big baby." I pat his head and jokingly wrap my legs as well, trapping him so that he can't move. We both laugh at the situation and after a bit, we manage to fall asleep, still tangled together.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now