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"Oh, Junho, hey!" I call out to the boy walking my way. "Kang Yeseul, hi. What are you doing?" He asks me, quietly. I tell him where I'm going and he does the same. Finding out that we're going to the same building, I suggest that we go together to which he nods. "How's swimming for you?" I ask him after a quiet minute. "It's okay of now, I have my first competition in two weeks so I've been working pretty hard and I will do my best." He answers with a small smile on his face, looking ahead of him. "What about you?" he looks at me. I shrug, "It's okay, I'm getting ready for a competition that's happening in like two months but our coach is so strict on weight." He nods, "Us two, he always makes us work out and is so strict on what we eat."

We continue our walk until we reach the building and separate ways. I turn around after remembering something. "Cha Junho!" I go up to him, "There's a soccer match on Sunday, I'm sure you've heard of it. I was wondering if you'll be going, it'll be fun." I tell him and he nods. "I'm going with Yohan so I'll probably see you there." He smiles at me and I nod, turning back around after we said bye to each other.


My team and I walk over to the large gymnasium, getting ready to practice our routines in a bigger space but come face to face with the volleyball team. They glare at us and in this moment, I regret not having coach with us because if she were here, we would instantly have the space but looks like we'll have to fight for it. Literally.

"We're not letting you use this place, we're practicing.", one of the girls says, giving us a smirk. "I swear to god, I'm so close to hitting her." I hear Yoona mutter under breath and I try not to chuckle, sure that it's the freshman she spoke about last week. "Nice try, midget but we have to get ready for our competition and our coach said that we should come here. Now I'm sure you don't want to deal with Mrs. Hwang." I say, knowing that bringing up our coach will help us a lot. Unfortunately, the freshman doesn't seem to agree. "I don't care about what your coach says, now leave you skinny sticks." I roll my eyes and here a few of our girls groan and some let out not so nice comments. "First of all, you should talk with some respect, we are mostly your seniors." Yoona says, taking a step forwards. Hyejin tries to tell her something but she simply lifts her hand. "You know how much I hate when people don't use honorifics and you're no exceptions. Not being respectful doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look stupid. Now you and you little group should go somewhere else, you have another place to train." Yoona practically growls as she spits out her words.

In the end, I'm sitting in the headmaster's office along with my team and the volleyball team. I look around the room, completely disinterested in whatever he has to say. This isn't the first time and surely enough won't be enough. "How many times do I have to tell you that fighting inside the premise of the school is forbidden!" "She started it." One of our girls say and I nod. "That little girl fake crying - I don't know her name, sir - was being disrespectful and wasn't letting us practice in the main gymnasium and then dared to slap our team leader." I add. "But sir, you can't let them go! They hit back, look I even have a mark!" The girl complains and point to her cheek that is a saturated red and I accidentally let out a snort, trying not to laugh. "Kang Yeseul, this isn't funny." The headmaster warns me and my face distorts in disagreement. "We all have marks, you're not special." Yoona looks at the girl, whose name I later found out to be Lee Minhwa. Minhwa lifts her hand and the headmaster bangs on his desk. "Enough! You're lucky I'm not suspending you but you will be doing community service now. As you know we're having the winter ball in december and you'll be in charge of helping the organisers set up everything. Don't start complaining about how you have your trainings, I don't care, you shouldn't have fought in the first place. I huff, hating the punishment. "Twice a week after your trainings, you'll be going to the meeting room at eight p.m. to prepare the ball. Understood?" We all nod at him, "You're dismissed." Bowing, we all rush to leave the room.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now