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As soon as we enter the bar, we are greeted with loud cheers coming from the corner of the room. There, sit four people around our age: three guys and one girl talk loudly amongst themselves. Seungyoun comes up to them with me following closely behind and opens his arm wide and yells "I came!" The cheers get louder - which surprised me because they were already so loud- and they stand up one by one coming to hug him.

"Is this your friend?" A rather tall boy asks Seungyoun, looking at me. "Yeah -hey stop backing away, come back here." Seungyoun turns to face me and reaches out to grab my hand. "Stop being so scared, they won't bite." I take a deep breath and take a step forward before presenting myself, "Hi, my name is Kang Yeseul and I go to the same university as Seungyoun." I bow at the end of my sentence and everyone cheers. They're in a good mood. The rest of the group presents themselves and their names are Jimin, Vernon, Nathan and Kino.


At the end of the night, everyone expect for Vernon and Seungyoun was drunk. Somehow we all just drank until one of us threw up. I'm happy because they all turned out to be incredibly nice and welcoming and I didn't feel like an intruder.

Seugnyoun and I parted ways with the rest of the groups a few minutes ago because they had to go the other way. "I can't believe you and Jimin actuallly started crying because you called each other pretty." Seungyoun mocks me as we wait for a cab. "Ah, you'll definitely have a bad hangover tomorrow, sorry." He snickers and I give him a side glare my hand, hitting his chest a good ten seconds later. "It's always great to have a drunk Yeseul by my side, I'm never bored." He continues and I groan, "Stop bullying me." That's what I think I said but what came out was most likely gibberish, "Yeah, yeah, okay." He waves me off before raising his hand to call a cab.

He helps me get into the car without banging my head. Once he's sure I'm in place and have my seatbelt on, he rushes over to the other side and gets in before giving the driver the address. Slowly, I feel my eyelids droop and I shake my head to try and wake myself up but still, my eyes unfocused and everything seems to turn and soon enough, I fall asleep, my head falling to the side and onto something soft.

"Yah, Kang Yeseul, I get that you're drunk but get yourself together, you can't fall asleep now or else- okay too late." He cuts himself as he notices that I'm completely gone.


"Thank you, goodbye." Seungyoun thanks the driver and the two of us enter the campus. I rub my eye, still sleepy and look up at Seungyoun who's quietly walking next to me. "Seungyoun, how come you're never drunk?" I ask him, slightly tripping but catching myself with a grin. "Some of us are just lucky." He gives me an amused smile before patting my head, "Don't think about it too much, it's okay to be an absolute lightweight." Seungyoun adds, making me raise my hand only for it to fall and bring my body along with it. Seungyoun laughs, picking me up from the floor. "I need to stop drinking." I whine, as we continue our way onto campus.

Seungyoun nods, "Okay, should we go drinking tomorrow?" He asks and I nod, "Yes!". "No! You're supposed to say 'no', Yeseul." He raises his hands to his head. "Why are you getting mad? You're the one who asked me to go drink tonight." My eyes well up with tears and his widen. "No, no, no, no, don't cry." He starts panicking once a tear drops onto the ground. "Shit, Yeseul, don't be drunk and cry, stop crying. How can I make you stop crying? I'm sorry." "I need to be in the same state as you after going out for drinks or I won't survive." "Stop crying." He whines and to be fair, I don't even know why I'm crying anymore.

"You're done?" He asks me and I nod, wiping my eyes again. "That was crazy." I say and stand up from the spot on the bench where he placed me during my breakdown. "Anyway, I'm completely sober now and will go to my room. Thanks for tonight, I had a lot of fun and would definitely want to do that again but minus the drinking on my part, goodnight now." I state, embarrassed at my actions and start backing away from him but Seungyoun grabs my arm. "Goodnight, don't trip and fall on your way there." He gives me a wink and lets go.


"Is this a joke, Kang Yeseul?" Coach yells as me after looking at the scale, "You gained more weight, again! How do you expect to be ready for the competition if you won't even lose weight, tell me Yeseul, what did you eat this weekend, you weight obviously went up since Saturday." I don't answer, too scared to admit the truth. "Answer me!" "Chicken, coach, I had chicken." Gasps are heard from all over the room. Coach shakes her head, "I'm going to have to force you to skip dinner and after training today, you will run do laps on the running field." She dismisses me and I walk back to my spot and start stretching.

I look up and see Yoona who gives me a sad expression before coming next to me to stretch.


My last training of the day comes to an end and instead of going back to the dorms, I make my way onto our running field. I roll my eyes as I recall coaches voice, telling me to do ten  laps. I take a deep breath and start running.

After what seems like ages, I finally finish and drop onto the floor, heaving. I open my bottle of water and take a sip before dropping my head onto the floor and looking up at the sky. "You need to start taking this seriously, Yeseul. You need to be able to have dinner."

The view of the sky is suddenly blocked by a familiar face. "Fuck, you scared me." I gasp, sitting up straight and look at Seungyoun who lets out a small laugh, "What are you doing here?" I ask him to which he replies, saying that he wanted to do some laps and I explain him my situation after he asks me the same question. "I feel bad for you, it must be hard. But I have faith in you and you will soon be able to get the weight your coach wants and be able to have dinner again." I nod at him and stand up, "All for the dinner." He nods and repeats me. He pats my shoulder and we say bye to each other before I leave the building and finally walk to my room, ignoring the feeling of hunger creeping in.

U Got It // Cho Seungyoun Where stories live. Discover now