chapter 1

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Thank you guys for 1.08k reads!!! I'm so grateful for the support🖤 - Kenny
The exchange event between the rival Tokyo and Kyoto Metropolitan Technical Colleges had taken a sinister turn. Hijacked by Special Grade curses, fingers being stored in the temples of the school were discovered to be stolen after the curses fled the scene. Now, the staff that witnessed the situation were having a private meeting, away from the ears of the students.

"Next up are the casualties." Ijichi begins, standing before the five seated sorcerers. "Three second-grade sorcerers, one semi-first-grade sorcerer, five assistant supervisors, and two cursed storehouse guards. They're all sorcerers who were standing by at Jujutsu High and working separately from Gojo and Principal Yaga. We're waiting on the report from Ieiri-san..." Ijichi went on. Gojo listened with his head buried in his collar, rage bubbling inside him at the casualty rate. It was unacceptable. He was the strongest and yet he couldn't save everyone. They'd been overrun by cursed spirits- it was disgusting.

"Tsk." Gojo lets out, picking his head up.

"Do you think we should share this information with the students and the other sorcerers?" Utahime asks, looking toward the two principals. She had a bead of sweat on her cheek.

"No," Gakuganji replies quickly.

"It's probably better to keep this among the higher-ups," Yaga states, a finger covering his mouth as he looks downward. "We don't want to give curse users certainty that special-grade objects were stolen. Has the curse user we captured spilled anything?" He looks at Ijichi, who scratches his head with a blue pen.

"It's not hard to get him to talk, but most of what he says is irrelevant nonsense." He says timidly. "However, he claims that he only participated in the attack because he was ordered to as part of a deal. He mentioned a monk whose gender and the name is unknown, with a white bob cut."

"An androgynous monk kid with a bob cut?" Mei Mei says, deep in thought. "That ring any bells?" She turns slightly to Gojo, who sat next to her with his legs outstretched.

"Nope." He sighs, throwing his arms in the air. "We sure he's not spouting bullshit? Is there any sorcerer skilled at getting confessions?"

"(F/N) (L/N) has been contacted, but she has yet to respond," Ijichi confirms with a sheepish look.

"That's not uncommon. She's hard to get ahold of, as I've learned from experience." Yaga mumbles, shaking his head at his former, rogue student.

"Do we have time to wait around for her? Isn't there anyone else we can get here sooner?" Utahime questions?

"Unfortunately she's the only sorcerer with that technique I know of, other than that we're out of luck." Ijichi clicks his pen nervously.

"We'll just have to wait, then." Gojo shrugs then rest his head on his knuckle that was propped against his knee. (F/N) (L/N)... it sounded familiar. Hadn't they attended the same school? She was a first-year student when he was the third year... apparently, she'd been quite the troublemaker, too. He smiled softly, burying his head back into his collar.


You look at your phone with a grimace, scrolling through the missed calls and texts you had from some number you weren't familiar with. Whoever it was had been pestering you for the last few days. Sipping down the last of your mojito, staring at the sparkling ocean; you almost didn't want to reply, knowing it was some kind of work you were being called in for. The sun felt great, you were four drinks deep, and the instant transfer had just hit your bank account from the recent confession you'd successfully gotten out of some curse for a gang of sorcerers. The curse hadn't spoken English, but luckily your ability allowed for confessions to be admitted through brain-transference; language wasn't always necessary and was sometimes replaced with simple images. Of course, the speech was a helpful tool. Working with just pictures sometimes was troublesome work, as they didn't always give the necessary information. Luckily, this time had been a breeze. And you'd been able to overcharge those idiots $5,000 your usual rate.

Letting out a satisfied sigh, you cross your arms behind your head and sit happily in your lawn chair, soaking in the warm breeze on the beach in Okinawa. To your left, a waiter sets down another mojito. You smile up at him, blocking the sun from your face with your hand, then give him a $20 tip. Might as well spread around your good fortune a little, especially when you were happily buzzed. He thanks you graciously and you wave a hand, letting him know it's no issue. He turns, walking off with a pep-in-his-step.

You lean back to relax again, sipping the refreshing drink from the straw. Your phone lights up again, buzzing with the same number that kept calling you the past few days across the screen. Debating for a moment, you decide to pick it up.

"Yes?" Your answer, a smile playing on your lips.

"Oh- Miss (L/N), you answered." From the other end of the line, a nervous and polite voice greets you.

"Mhm." You check the back of your nails, looking over the manicure you'd gotten the day before. You were on day 4 of your spontaneous, yet well deserved, vacation. Or at least, that's how you looked at it. Relaxing was more important than having a schedule...

"Yes- this is Kiyotaka Ijichi, auxiliary management at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. We had an incident here a few days ago, and we're in urgent need of a sorcerer with your abilities of persuasion." The man says, suddenly earning your attention. You raise an eyebrow, bringing your hand to your chin. An incident at Tokyo Tech? That was almost unheard of, both with the protection placed by Master Tengen and the skilled sorcerers they had staffed. Been a while since you'd been over there, also. Come to think of it- you hadn't been back at that school since graduation.

"Incident?" You question, urging him to give you the rundown. If it wasn't worth your time, you wouldn't make the trip up there. He better make it good.

"Suspected, a group of special grade curses broke into the school's barrier while the exchange event took place. We captured one of the accomplices and need confirmation that the information he's giving us is accurate." He states timidly. You click your tongue- so whoever they had in custody was giving them information, they just needed you to work your magic and make sure they're telling the truth. That was easy enough... Maybe the trip was worth it... Also, you wouldn't mind seeing how the school was holding up after all these years. Was Yaga Sensei still around?

"I see..." Is your vague response. Despite your mocking tone, you were satisfied.

"Wait, so are you going to come-?" Ijichi is abruptly cut off by you ending the call. You clasp your fingers together and stretch your arms upward, leaning side-to-side to wake up your muscles. You'd been in relaxation mode, but now it was time to get back to work.

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