chapter 7

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The next morning you wake up to an empty bed.

You roll over, pulling the sheets with you as you stretch. Standing, you walk to the living room to search for your phone. You grab it from your purse, reading through messages till you find what you were looking for. The text from Gojo reads;

gone on a mission~

You reread the text, pouting slightly as you toss the phone on the couch. You didn't know what to expect- he'd left without waking you up and this was all you got from him? With a sign you move to the kitchen, then make yourself some breakfast.


Four days have passed with no word from Gojo.

You didn't want to admit to yourself that it made you upset. You'd never been one to get attached to people, so the feeling in your chest was a foreign one. It took you a while after he'd left to figure out you missed him, and that's the sinking feeling you were experiencing.

You didn't know if you should message him. Without contact, you were starting to think that he'd slept with you and lied about the mission, only trying to avoid you. Has he let you live here just for that reason, to sleep with him, and your purpose to him was now fulfilled? You were trying not to overthink, convincing yourself he was probably just busy fighting cursed spirits.


On the fifth day, he comes back, smiling and giggling like he hadn't just disappeared on you. You were sitting on the couch eating takeout when he walked in, waving at you casually while he talks on the phone, then going into his room and turning on the shower.

That was all you got? A wave of the hand? You wanted to rip his head off. You felt hurt and used. So, you did what you did best. You left.


Hours later you're out at a bar, drunk with strangers and listening to them tell you their problems. You don't share yours. You didn't want advice, anyway. You'd already made up your mind.

When you arrive back at the apartment, Gojo's not even home. It's all the confirmation you need to start packing. Clearly, he didn't want you there anymore and was avoiding you. You could take the hint.

You throw on your boots and pull your backpack over your shoulder, stepping into the elevator and pressing the lobby button. Riding down, you tap your foot and let out a deep breath.

Outside, you walk with your head down and eyes glued to the sidewalk. You were good at holding yourself together. You didn't want to be upset over him, so you wouldn't allow yourself to be. He was just some guy you'd lived with for a few days and fucked- he was nothing to you. You could get over it if you convinced yourself that. It was better to not get attached to people, anyway.


Your head shoots up, eyes widened at Gojo who was standing in front of you, a bag of candy in hand. He's smiling as he chews whatever was in his mouth.

"Where is ya going?" He asks, pointing to your backpack. You swallow down the lump in your throat that had formed when he'd called your name.

"I-'' You start but your voice cracks. You can't finish your sentence.

"Home is that way." He nods his head, letting out a giggle. Did he think you were drunk and just lost? He pops another piece of candy into his mouth.

"I think I should leave." You say, gripping the straps of your backpack. His smile drops and his hand freezes in the candy bag he'd reached into.

"Why? You get a work call?" He asks, tilting his head.

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