chapter 4

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Out at the bar, Shoko and you are ugly laughing over your third round of drinks from a booth in the corner of a dive bar. You'd caught up with her about all the places you'd been and who you'd worked for, and she'd told you all the updates on the school and the students. Things sounded more interesting with that kid being the vessel of Sukuna joining. She'd told you all about him dying and coming back to life right on her work table. What a trip that must've been.

"I can't believe I walked in on you tonguing Satoru." She slaps a hand on the table through her laughing fit. You wipe your eyes, tears forming from how hard you were giggling.

"You should've known!" You exclaim, earning a few of the other patrons of the bar to turn for a second to where the loud conversation was coming from. You ignored them easily, focused on what Shoko was about to say.

"I'm surprised you two didn't hook up at all in school." She says, resting her head on her knuckles.

"Nah, I don't think it would've worked out then; I was more into the quiet, shy types... like how Nanami was!" You raise your eyebrows and point excitedly at her.

"Oh yeah, I forgot you totally had a thing for him!" She smirks over the whisky she'd brought to her lips. "He's still teaching at the school, too. He's all clean-cut now."

"You're joking!" You reply, dreamily looking at the ceiling. You wondered how he must look now, and though it was probably great, it wasn't suited to your taste. Satoru's rambunctiousness was what drew you in, now. Nanami was probably still stoic and reserved, which was great, but didn't match your personality anymore. Since you'd broken out of your shell you needed someone who matched your energy, and Nanami was too calm for your own good.

"Nope, and speaking of..." Shoko looks over your shoulder, causing you to turn in your seat. You see two, tall men walking toward your table. In the lead, Satoru was walking to you with a wide smile and a wave, and a man, who you recognized as Nanami, followed behind looking rather annoyed. He must've been dragged out by Gojo.

"Hey, guys!" Satoru says as he slides in the booth next to you. Nanami takes the spot next to Shoko. This allows you to look him over; yep- he definitely looked different. In school, he had a longer hairstyle with a bang that covered most of his forehead and sometimes his right eye. Now, his blonde hair was cropped above his ears and he wore a tan suit with a leopard tie. He was sexy, even more so, but no longer had that edge you liked so much as a kid. He was too professional now. Satoru on the other hand...

"How'd I know you'd find us?" Shoko says to Satoru, then gives you a knowing look. You shrug innocently, then throw the white-haired man next to you a smile.

"Because you know me so well, Shoko." He relaxes back in the seat, throwing his arms over the back of the booth and crossing his legs. He must've bumped Nanami under the table because the blonde shifted and shot Satoru a displeased look. Shoko rolled her eyes, taking another sip of her drink. The waitress came by, giving Nanami and Gojo both wanting looks and taking their orders, then walking off to retrieve their drinks.

"You went to Tokyo Tech as a student, right?" Nanami asked, squinting his eyes behind his green glasses. You nod, sipping on your own drink.

"Yep. I was a year below you." You say, to which the man nods, seeming to remember.

"Hey- you remember him but not me?" Satoru bumps your shoulder, to which you shrug.

"Kento was more her type back then," Shoko says, completely throwing you under the bus. You're not bothered at all, in fact, you were about to say something similar. A smile plays on Nanami's lips at Gojo's loud, dramatic reaction.

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