chapter 10

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TW: violence 


You wake up with a pounding headache, lying flat on a concrete floor. Wincing, you roll over, groggily noticing your hands and feet are tied.

The room is small and dark with nothing in it except for you. There are no windows and only a large, heavy-looking steel door. With a frustrated sigh, you roll to the closest wall and wiggle into a seated position.

Remembering the events of the night before was fuzzy, but you know exactly who had brought you here. The first guy to approach you were a member of that gang you'd scammed just a few weeks ago out of $5,000. They must've figured it out and we're clearly not happy. All of this over $5,000 measly bucks?!

"Can you cheap fucks at least bring me some Gatorade? My head is killing me." You whine loudly, obviously still a little drunk. No one answers, of course, the rooms more than likely soundproof- which was never a good sign in a hostage situation.


It could've been hours before someone finally came. It's the man off the street, the one you'd originally recognized, who opens the door with a bandage over his nose and a black eye. He walks up to you, an evil smirk on his face.

"My right hook's pretty good, huh?" You wink, referring to how you'd knocked him out.

Without a word he slaps you, hard enough that you taste blood. You hang your head to the side for a moment, stunned, then turn back to look up at him.

"You can do better than that." You keep a smile on your face, despite your rage. You're pushing it- really pushing it, but of course, you can't help it.

"That's funny coming from one of Gojo Satoru's throwaway sluts." He seethes, and this time, you have no snappy comeback. Your eyes stare up at the man in a rage. He notices how you immediately grow silent, taking the opportunity to lean down to eye-level with you.

"Oh- yeah. We kept our distance when we found out you were staying with Gojo, but when we heard he kicked you to the curb we knew you were fair game."

"I don't give a fuck about him. I left on my own." You mutter, evading his eyes now. He laughs, amused at your need to defend yourself.

"Just admit he got tired of fucking you."

Your eye twitches, but you don't show him any other sign of being upset.

The heavy door freaks open behind him before you can answer. The man crouching in front of you stands, moving so you can see who'd entered.

A larger, more sinister-looking man walks toward you, cracking his gloved knuckles.


That morning Gojo woke up with a big stretch, not even opening his eyes before reaching for his phone.

He'd seen your call last night and ignored it, choosing to go to sleep instead. He giggled over the thought of you freaking out and calling him a bunch of times... it must've made you so mad that he didn't answer.

He checks, with a pout, that you haven't called him again.

Instead, you'd left a 4-minute voicemail.

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