chapter 9

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Instead of Satoru, you called the police and anonymously tipped them off to where the girl might be. To your luck, a large group of locals formed within hours and banded together to find the teenage Ami, who was only a few miles away from the location you'd shared. The entire search party, of course, was led vigilantly by Ren.

After sweeping the forest for a few hours, they found Ami alive and extremely dehydrated. She'd immediately been rushed to the hospital.

You waited all night for Ren on the stoop of his porch, still sitting next to a six-pack of beer while holding a cigarette. He shows up when you're on your third drink. He looks exhausted and worn down as he slumps onto the steps next to you.

"Can I have one?" He huffs after a few seconds. You nod and toss one at him. He fumbles a bit before catching it.

"Can I ask you a question?" You turn to him while taking a drag off your cigarette.

"Is it about how much I owe you?" He asks with a smile, and you kick his leg gently.

"No, jerk." You say, leaning onto your knees. "Why did you care so much about Lisa's kid? I mean, obviously, she's not yours. It said on the police report that she was married to some guy named Adam."

"Oh." He lets out, then takes a long guzzle of his beer, finishes it, and crushes it beneath his foot. "Can I have another?" You hand it to him while clicking your tongue.

"Touchy subject?"

"It shouldn't be. It's really a personal problem I need to get over." He shrugs, squinting at the sunrise.

"Everyone has their thing." You sigh, taking another drag. "So, what's the deal?" You push. You genuinely wanted to know why he cared about some kid who wasn't even his own blood.

"Well... when you're in love, and you see the other person hurting..." he pauses but continues to stare into the distance. He takes another swig of his drink. "It hurts, you know?" He turns to you, his eyes glassy.

"No. I really don't." You say, shaking your head whilst biting the inside of your cheek.

"So- you're saying you've never been in love?" He asks almost sarcastically, leaning back onto the top step by his forearms.

"I don't know." You answer, thinking over the situation you were in with Satoru.

"Oh, then you've definitely been in love." He says, smiling. "You just don't know it yet." You give him a ridiculous look.

"What do you mean?" You ask.

"You'd know for sure if you haven't. If it's an "I don't know" you're just lying to yourself." He pokes your knee in a teasing way.

"Shut up. Am not ." You swat his hand. It was strange, actually, how comfortable you felt with him. He had such a kind and warm personality it made your heartache for his tragic situation. He was in love with a married woman and was obviously willing to do anything for her, but she didn't see him that way... Maybe you could relate a tiny bit.

"Anyway, thanks for all your help. I'll send you the money soon." He stands and stretches his back. "You need to crash here?" He asks.

"Nah, I'm headed North. And don't worry about paying me- this one was pro bono." You drink the last bit of your beer.


After saying goodbye to Ren, you hop on the first train you could book North. Relaxing into a seat in coach, you easily fell asleep against the window.


You woke up a solid six hours later with drool crusted on the corner of your mouth and a crick in your neck.

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