chapter 2

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You show up at the gates of Tokyo Tech, glowing with the nostalgia you felt. You weren't sentimental, nor excited to relive your years of being a troublemaker, but instead felt the giddy feeling of... being home? You didn't know, but it was a good feeling to be back and hadn't known that you'd missed it, either. It'd been about, what, seven years since you'd been here? You'd graduated from here at 18 and hadn't been back since then; it just felt weird. You wonder if Shoko was still around... she'd been two years above you, but back in the day, you two used to be pretty close. Despite your lack of friends and interest in your classmates.

Walking through the large, stone gate, you casually stroll in with a smirk, examining the courtyard. Besides the temples, which moved around under the control of Tengen, it looked exactly like it did the day you left. You whistled, still impressed by the beautiful scenery and traditional buildings. It still felt like home.

"Do you happen to be (F/N) (L/N)?" A man asks, causing you to look to your left. He was lanky and brunette with glasses and a middle part.

"Who's asking?" You push the black, rectangular glasses you had on atop your head, then eye him up; effectively turning his prissy attitude from speculative to nervous.

"Kiyotaka Ijichi- the auxiliary manager. We spoke on the phone. I was told if you showed up you'd be dressed... well, never mind." He wrings his hands together. You gave him a knowing smile. Oh, so this was who you'd talked to. You can't say the polite voice doesn't match perfectly to how you imagined he'd look. He was clean-cut, dressed smartly in a black suit and tie. As to how you were dressed... let's just say your outfit was on the skimpy side. You were currently wearing a black mini skirt and halter top, which bordered on being a bralette, paired with black high-heeled boots. It was in your repertoire to show off all your best assets, not only in skill but in the physical sense. People thought that the matter of your clothing choices was of no concern to you because you could probably kick their ass, and two: you knew you looked good.

"Who's in charge here?" You ask, waving a hand around to refer to the entire area. You didn't need to talk anymore with him; he'd sent you a detailed text message containing the report of what had gone down during the attack of the exchange event. You had all the information you needed to start the interrogation.

"Well, the current Principal is Masamichi Yaga." He says to your surprise, and without missing a beat, you storm toward the front office. No way was your old sensei the Principal! He must be so excited to see you after all these years... well, probably not...

Ijichi trails on your heels, mumbling something about schedules and meetings and how Principal Yaga's currently busy. You ignored his polite rambling, stepping up the stone stairs then bursting unannounced in through the large, wooden doors of the Principal's office. Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the indoor lighting, but after the spots clear you can see Yaga and a blindfolded, white-haired guy who was smiling widely. They were both turned to look at you and had obviously stopped them mid-conversation. You continue, anyways.

"Yaga- what's the meaning of this?" You call dramatically, strutting into the room despite the protests of Ijichi. Letting out a chuckle, your old sensei humors you, much like he would've done back in the day. Anyone else bursting in here and he would've sent 10 cursed dolls their way for rudely storming in.

"Ah, you finally showed up," Yaga says from his seat at the other end of the hall. You continue walking towards him, stopping at a place beside the white-haired guy.

"You become the Principal and don't even bother calling to tell me: your favorite student?" You place your hands on your hips, giving him a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Even if I called you wouldn't have answered." He shakes his head, crossing his arms.

"So you admit you didn't even try to call?" You point at him, a smile cracked across your lips.

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