chapter 6

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The next morning you make breakfast for the two of you. Satoru hadn't even used the bedroom last night, having fallen asleep on the couch with you in the same position he'd been watching the movie. He was wrapped up in his blanket, his legs kicked up on the coffee table, sinking into the cushions behind him in a seated position. How he could sleep like that, you had no idea. It didn't even look comfortable. It was definitely nearing the time school would be starting, meaning he was about to sleep in. You walk over to the couch and kick his leg, his breakfast in hand.

"Hey, wake up." You say, causing him to stir. He stretches his arms and yawns, looking up at you and smiling.

"Aw, for me?" He asks, reaching up for the plate. You place it in his hands.

"Are you gonna be late for work?" You ask, sitting next to him.

"Eh, probably." He says, chewing with his mouth open. You make a sour face at him, not liking the chewing noise.

"Ok..." You pat your thighs once, then stand back up. "I'm going to the school with you. I've gotta give Yaga my statement. I'm gonna shower real quick." You say, then walk into his room to get to the bathroom.

"Okay!" He calls after you, not moving from the couch.

After your shower, you wrap the white towel around yourself and walk out into the living room. Gojo had changed and was ready in his typical dark hoodie and pants. You grab the bags with the dresses and lingerie out of the kitchen you'd left yesterday, wanting to wear them out. Satoru remains silent on the couch, looking at his phone and typing. You go back into the bathroom, quickly getting dressed, fixing your hair, and brushing your teeth. You once again go out, ready to leave with Satoru.

"Ready?" You ask, grabbing a tiny purse out of your backpack. You'd have to use it since the backpack didn't exactly go with the dress.

"I was waiting on you." He says with a smile.

"You could've left."

"Nah," is all he says, shoving his hands in his pockets. The two of you leave, and Satoru leads the way toward the school grounds.


You give Yaga your statement, then head down to the morgue to bother Shoko a little. She was busy, however, so you didn't stay long. Now that you'd seen Yaga, and annoyed Shoko, you didn't have any other business being at Tokyo Tech. You trudge up to the courtyard, where you see Satoru walking with three kids. He notices you easily, waving his arm above his head.

"Hey, guys." You say, walking over to the group. There's a pink-haired kid, a kid with spiky black hair, and a brunette girl with shoulder-length hair. They all greet you back respectfully.

"Whatcha doing?" Satoru asks, smiling widely.

"I was just leaving."

"Going home?" He asks.

"Nah I was gonna just go shopping maybe..."

"Ah." He says, nodding. You clasp your hands behind your back.

"I'll probably be out late tonight, so... don't wait up." You tell him. There was no particular reason, you just wanted to bounce around town later and have fun.

"You two live together?!" The pink-haired boy and the brunette girl ask in unison.

"Is she your girlfriend, Gojo-Sensei?" The pink-haired kid questions, looking you over again.

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