chapter 3

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You walk toward the morgue with Satoru in tow, not needing direction as you already know exactly where it is. Suddenly, with a snap of your fingers, you turn and point up at the blindfolded man.

"You're Satoru Gojo!" You exclaim, the dots finally connecting. The white hair, the cocky attitude, the blindfold; it all made sense. It'd taken so long to finger it out because when you'd seen him around the school in the past he'd only ever worn dark, circular sunglasses. The blindfold was new.

"Duh!" He says back to you, hands in his pockets. He's smirking; probably amused it'd taken you so long. Well, good, at least he wasn't insulted.

"That blindfold makes you hard to recognize." You cross your arms, smiling up at him.

"Really? Haven't had much of a problem in the past. Especially from a fellow Tokyo High graduate." He shrugs, to which you turn back away from him and resume your trek toward the morgue.

"We weren't even in the same year. Actually, don't even think we spoke once. Can't blame me for not knowing sooner." You strut ahead of him, trying to think whether you had interacted with him back then. He'd always been kind of arrogant from what you remember, and within reason. He was "the strongest" or whatever. But maybe that'd been the reason that you'd never talked to him before. He didn't necessarily intimidate you; you just didn't want to deal with that kind of personality back then. You were even more reclusive at that time, maybe overly picky with who you let around you. A man who considered himself a god wasn't someone you'd desired to have a conversation with. Now that you were more established and confident in yourself, the idea of talking to him wasn't as exhausting.

"Funny... I recognized you immediately." He responds his voice low and taunting. He was flirting with you, and you knew it. You couldn't see his expression, as he was still walking behind you in the narrow hallway, but your face was lit up with a sly, knowing smile.

"What a smart boy." You reply, turning to look at him over your shoulder to give him a sultry look. Your praise seems to catch him off guard, as his mouth drops open from a playful smirk to show his surprise. He darts a tongue out to wet his lips and clears his throat, quickly recovering.

"Yaga was right, you are trouble." He chuckles, and you turn back around to face forward with a victorious smile. It was almost too easy.


You arrive at the morgue, bursting in and scaring Shoko nearly half to death. After her shock subsides, you lunge forward to grab her in a hug. She returns it with a laugh.

"You haven't changed a bit!" She says, pulling back to keep you at arm's length, giving you a once over. "The wardrobe's definitely stayed the same." She looks you over once and winks.

"Oh, you know!" You wave a hand, making both of you break into a fit of giggles. Satoru was just standing by the door, looking amused.

"How long are you in town?" She asks, moving back to cover the corpse she'd been examining. You were glad she did, as the poor human on the silver table didn't look human at all. It looked more like a cursed spirit than anything... but from that man's memories you'd just looked into you knew that the cursed spirit with the stitches had the ability to turn people into such contorted things. It almost made you shiver to think about it.

"Mmm, not sure." You think, looking to the ceiling. You really didn't know- until you got called to another assignment you'd probably stick around for a while in Tokyo. The city was fun and the nightlife was good. It shouldn't be too hard to find a hotel to shack up in, either, especially with the amount of money you got paid from your last job. "But while I'm here we have to go out!" You clasp your hands together, begging the slightly older girl for some fun. You didn't consider many people good company, but she was an exception. That meant you were going to get every minute of fun out of your time with her as possible. You hoped she still liked to party as she did back in school.

"Sure. After I'm done here we can go out for drinks." She says, then checks her watch. "Give me an hour or two."

"That works. I have to go give my statement to Yage, anyway." You stretch your arms over your head, then turn toward the doorway. Satoru was still watching in silence. "See ya later!" You sing-song to Shoko, then walk out the door past Satoru. Once again, he follows behind you.

Once you're further down the hall from the morgue, you take a turn that's not toward the Principal's office. You quickly make your way to the movie room, where you remembered there being a couch and box of movies from when you went to school there. It was sort of a secret hideaway, a place you'd been many times by yourself when you had wanted to be away from the other students during your years here.

"The TV room?" Satoru questions after you'd entered, taking a seat on the old couch and flipping on the television with the remote.

"Yeah, I'll just wait here for Shoko. I don't feel like meeting with Yaga right now." You wave a hand at him, who's still standing behind you. "Wanna watch something?" You turn to him, seeing his amused expression and laid-back stance. He lets out an excited noise, then jumps to sit beside you. He must be happy someone was willing to ditch work with him.


The two of you had put on The Titanic to which Satoru so far had talked the entire way through. He made little comments like "Oh, I love this part!" and "Ew- I hate that character."

"Are you going to talk this entire time?" You look over at him, giving him a smirk. He turns back to look at you, blindfold still in place.

"Yes." He bluntly states, then thinks for a second, "unless you have an idea for shutting me up." That's all the motivation you need before you slide over to him, then throw a leg over him to straddle his lap.

"I had a few in mind." You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands were already settled at your waist, smiling up at you smugly. He wasn't surprised at your action at all, in fact, it seemed like he'd been waiting for it. Had he been annoying on purpose so that you'd make a move like this?

"Yeah?" He nods once at you, exuding confidence. You easily match his conviction. Oh well, if he'd planned it you weren't mad; he looked so good you were overly eager to taste him.

"Mhm." You hum, then lean in to kiss him. The two of you begin hungrily moving against each other, your mouths opening and tongues mingling. He's a damn good kisser, too.

His hand slides over your stomach and up your chest, groping at your breast once then moving his hand to your throat. His hand remains there, taking control of your movements and deepening the kiss. His grip tightens slightly, causing you to moan into his mouth. He pulls back for a second, giving you a wide smile.

"You like that?" He murmurs, squeezing lightly. You nod, smiling at him right back. He pushes your head to the side, then kisses and sucks at the skin in the crook of your neck. He trails his way back up to your mouth with light kisses, resuming the heated kiss from earlier. You begin grinding against his lap, his hand that wasn't around your throat grabbing at the skin of your behind.

"Hey- (Y/N)- you in here-?" Shoko walks in from behind Satoru, then freezes in place when she sees the two of your positions. You pull your mouth from him; picking your head up to stare at her like a deer in headlights. Satoru rests his head back and turns to look at her, as well. "Really?" She raises an amused eyebrow, stifling her laugh.

"Ya ready to go?" You ask, ignoring the position you were currently in.

"Are you?" She questions, to which you nod, pulling yourself off Satoru. He gives you a surprised look but stays seated.

"Yeah, let's go. See ya," you wink at Satoru, who still hadn't recovered from how quickly you'd switched moods. You hated to end it just as it was getting good, but you had a feeling you'd be seeing him later, anyway. You pull the boots you'd kicked off during the movie on, then walk out into the hallway with Shoko.

"You're crazy, bitch." She says, rolling her eyes. You shrug, then give her a once over.

"You still smoke? I could use a cigarette." You say.

"I've cut back on it, but here. Take it." She hands you the box, which you pocket. Just one wouldn't hurt. You needed it after that heavy makeout session. It'd left you more hot and bothered than you'd thought it would. Oh, you really hoped you'd see him again- and soon.

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