chapter 5

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It'd been several hours since you'd started your search, and apparently, every hotel in the city was booked up for the night. You'd been able to get a room for tomorrow, but it looked like you were bedless for now. Walking with your hands in your pockets on a neon-light-filled street, you mentally debate going into one of the bars and drinking till the sun comes up. Dwelling on whether you wanted to feel like shit tomorrow, you decide to suck up your pride and ask for help. You were tired of lugging your travel backpack full of necessities around. You sigh, pulling out your phone. You dial the newest addition to your contact list, hoping he was still awake.

"Hey!" Satoru answers cheerfully from the other end of the line.

"That offer still stands?" You ask, kicking a rock on the sidewalk.

"Yeah! I'll text you my address." He says. The line goes silent for a second, then you receive a text. You pull back, clicking on the message and reading over the address. You weren't too far.

"Got it. I'll be there in 10." You say, then hang up before he can say bye.


You show up outside of Satoru's apartment, waiting for him to come down to swipe you into the luxury building. He comes out with his hands in the pocket of his black sweats, giving you a smug look.

"Well, well, well." He says, looking over your defeated form. You roll your eyes at his pompous attitude.

"It's just for tonight. I got a place downtown set up for tomorrow."

"Nah, you're good. I'm just messing with you." He says, then nods his head for you to follow. He leads you into the lobby, where you admire the chandelier and red carpet. You weren't surprised; he would live in an upscale place like this.

The elevator takes you up to the top floor, to which you still aren't phased. Living in the penthouse suite was to be expected of the most powerful sorcerer alive.

"Here we are!" Satoru says, unlocking the only door in the hallway outside of the elevator. He lets you walk in first, allowing you to examine the entire space. You were standing in the entryway to a living room, with hardwood floors and a large, black couch. Abstract art was hung along the walls, to which the furthest wall was just a large window overlooking the city. His kitchen was to the left, filled with updated appliances that looked unused. He definitely ordered in every meal. You'd looked over the entire space in seconds; Satoru had already closed the door behind you.

"You want anything, like, water?" He asks, walking past you. You follow, shaking your head.

"Nah, I'm fine. Thanks, though." You say, setting your bag down in the living room on the glass coffee table.

"You can crash in the bedroom. I can take the couch." He says, and you shrug.

"I don't mind sleeping on the couch." You say, looking it over. It looked pretty comfortable.

"I insist!" He says, smiling widely. You look at him suspiciously, wondering if he was just trying to pull something on you. Sure, you'd made out earlier, but you weren't going to sleep with him... At least not yet.

"You sure? I really don't wanna impose." You say, grabbing your bag back off the table. He nods, pointing to a door to his left.

"You're good!" He says, putting a hand on your back and practically pushing you in. You lurch forward, walking through the threshold of the door from the force of his hand. He stays out in the living room, leaning forward and grabbing the handle of the door about to close you in.

"Well... thanks. Goodnight, then." You say.

"Night, (Y/N)." He smiles widely, then shuts the door. You stare at the entry, shocked at that exchange. You'd fully expected him to try and make a move on you, but he'd been a perfect gentleman and even let you stay in his room while he took the couch. It was surprising... but, oh well! No use thinking too hard about it. You shrug, then take your toothbrush and face wash out of your bag and get ready for bed.

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