chapter 8

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Two weeks pass as normal as they possibly could being Gojo Satoru's roommate. You made meals, cleaned up after his mess (to your dismay), and had lots and lots of sex. It was getting ridiculous, actually, the number of times you two fucked and how it happened on every surface of the apartment. He'd leave during most days and come back at night, then you two would screw till you fell asleep.

It was going better than you could've expected. Till your phone rang. And rang. And rang.

You knew you'd have to answer, and soon. It was definitely someone who needed your technique, which was a rare one and usually needed urgently. Though you usually ignored people calling you in for jobs as long as you could, your morals eventually got in the way and made you realize you were a necessity. The calls were becoming nonstop the last 24 hours from the same number, which meant it was serious and it about time you picked up. The clock was ticking.


You woke up that morning next to Gojo.

You took some time to admire his face, watching how he slept with his lips slightly parted and how his nose would occasionally twitch from something in his dream. Your heart was fluttering. Really, you felt like a lovesick puppy. You weren't sure what it meant, but it scared you- you knew it meant you had to leave.

You move slowly, trying to sneak away before he notices you've left so you can finally take that call you've been missing. While you're sliding out from under the covers, a hand grabs your wrist, yanking you back. You let out a laugh, despite your bad mood, falling underneath him as he tangles his legs in yours and gives you a deep morning kiss. Guess you wouldn't be slipping out quite yet.

Your limbs wrap around him, holding on tight because you feel like it could be the last time. Once you left you didn't want to see him again- it was too much. You knew he would never want what you wanted, and leaving before you got seriously hurt was the necessary step. A week ago, when you'd gotten drinks with Shoko, she'd only confirmed this fear for you.


"He'll never commit, you know," Shoko says, lighting a cigarette she claimed was for a special treat.

"You talkin' about Satoru?" You ask, squinting at her over your fifth beer.

"I am. I know you've been living with him and I just want to make sure you realize that now before you get your feelings hurt." She shrugs, blowing a puff of smoke.

"Do you know who you're talkin' to?" You hiccup. Despite your tough exterior, her words hurt. You'd grown to like Gojo as more than a fling, and you knew you were just extending the inevitable by staying with him. One of you was bound to hurt the other, might as well jump ship before it got too messy. Still, you had stayed this long; you were holding on and didn't want to let go of this hypothetical ship. What was the saying? A captain always goes down with their hands on the wheel?

"I know, I know. I'm just making sure. I've seen him break a few hearts in my day." She waves, giving you a warm smile. It made you feel a little better knowing you could fool her even though you couldn't do the same to yourself.

"Please! I'd rather saw my own arm off than be in a relationship. Especially with Satoru!" You start laughing loudly, to which Shoko grins.

"Hey, if you end up trying that out let me know. I'd love to watch." She says, causing you to laugh harder.


Now, present-day, you look up into his eyes as he thrust into you, only feeling a deep sadness as you fake a smile back at him.

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