chapter 11

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A few days have passed since your return.

Settling in wasn't the problem- it was going back to "normal" you were having trouble with. While it was still fun to be around Gojo, your newfound feelings were getting harder to deal with. Being giddy wasn't something you were used to the simple brush of your hand on his while reaching for popcorn on movie nights had you clearing your throat and scooting away to hide the burst of butterflies in your stomach. It was pathetic- you two had already hooked up many, many times! Why were you suddenly so smitten?

The conversation you'd had with Ren while in Nagano was eating away at you. It had been moving, really; his ability to love unconditionally even at a distance.

However, your problem wasn't physical distance. It was more complicated than that. Gojo was hard to read; equal to your own aloof take on relationships and love. Up till your meeting with Ren, you hadn't even known that your desire to leave him was out of fear of commitment and being hurt. Now that it was clear that it was what you wanted from him, you didn't know how to face your feelings, let alone bring it up to him. No matter how much your head told you to leave it alone- it's going fine as it is - you couldn't ignore the pounding of your chest whenever he'd randomly leave. You wondered where he was going, who he was going to see. It was terrible not knowing where the relationship stood. If he was seeing other people, at least you wanted to know so that you could, too.

Naturally, you decide a night out on the town will help to calm your woes.

Just as you slip on your boots and adjust the hem of your short dress, Gojo comes back and gives you a smirk.

"Goin' out?" He asks, walking up to you and putting an endearing hand against your cheek, cupping your ear. The random act of affection sent a blush creeping up your neck. Things like this had become more common- he'd always been touchy, but now the actions seemed more pointed like they meant something. It made your palms sweat.

"Yeah, why?" You ask, giving him an equally playful smirk as if to challenge him and not show how much he'd affected you.

"Mind if I join you?" He asks, taking his hand away to stuff them in his pockets.

"Sure." You shrug, turning and rummaging through your purse to seem busy. He wanted to come out?! Like, as in a date?

The giddy feeling was creeping in again, and you grabbed lipgloss and reapplied it three times to try and distract yourself from it. Gojo walks into his room and comes out a moment later, his blindfold replaced with dark-framed glasses.

"Ready!" He exclaims, throwing his arms up. With a smile, the two of you walk to the elevator and ride it to the first floor.


The club is packed when you arrive.

He stays close to you, helping you push your way to the bar so you can order your drink. You know he doesn't like alcohol much; probably due to his childish taste pallet that only ever craved sugar.

You quickly order your drink, then allow Gojo to lead you on the dance floor.

You find yourself thinking more about the way you move- how Satoru is going to see you dance. You desperately need an escape from these thoughts, so you find yourself going back and forth to the bar more often than you normally would. On your fifth trip back to Gojo from the bar, you see something that makes your stomach drop.

Satoru is dancing with another girl, her arms wrapped around his neck while he smiles down at her. You shove the drink you'd just bought into a stranger's hand and beeline for the door, not being able to stomach a moment more of watching him with someone else. It was exactly what you feared; all of it. Every emotion you had for him was just thrown back in your face like a slap. This was the reason you always kept your distance. This was why you hated letting people get close enough for you to care. It went just how you predicted; getting hurt.

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