All Good Things Must Come To An End

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Izuku POV
Life was still pretty ruff by the time that I was ten years old, but I had Kachan and I thought that was never gonna change. That's what I thought.

It was time for me to find out my secondary gender and I was pretty certain I was a beta, nothing to worry about. Kachan was an alpha and I was going to be a beta. But when I got to the doctors, my life changed...again!

Apparently I was an omega. A quirkless omega. I was the lowest that you could get in society. I guess when people started calling me Deku, they weren't wrong. Suddenly my thoughts went to Kachan. How would he react if he knew that his best friend was an omega. I thought that he would be repulsed. He would abandon me and all I would have left would be Mum. For a split second the thought of being Kachan mate came to mind. But that seemed to good. To be able to have Kachan accept me, mark me and allow me to have his kids. But that was just a fantasy and life seemed too cruel to give me a happy ending.

But whilst I was in shock, my mother was disgusted.

Inko POV
First this stupid brat was quirkless and now he's an omega! This disgusting piece of shit doesn't deserve me, just like he didn't deserve Hisashi. Hah that's it. Let's see how long this goddam brat survives on his own but first, I should at least have my last bit of fun.

I walked out of the doctors, hiding how pissed I was. I grabbed Izuku's hand and led him to the car. Once we were inside, I started to drive. I drove to a local forest just outside the city. The forest was huge. It was bigger than a mega city. He's definitely not getting out of here, I thought.

I quickly shoved Izuku out of the car and dragged him deep into the forest. I then beat him until there were bruises covering most of his body.He was unconscious and I walked away feeling as though a giant burden had been taken off my shoulders. "Let's see how long you survive out here, you useless omega"I said almost laughing to myself.

Izuku's POV
It was a while before I woke up... alone. It took me awhile to adjust to my surroundings but when I did I realised it was night. I was in the middle of a forest with no way home, crap. I had no way of surviving out here with no clue where the hell I was. But I had to try. For Kachan.

3rd Person
Izuku spent the next four years in the forest. He used the surrounding trees to make shelter and found plenty of edible plants and animals that he could easily hunt. He even managed to make a blanket and some pillows out of animal furs. Izuku also discovered the most incredible things about his omega. He found that out here, in the wild, his senses were beyond amazing, he knew exactly were everything in the forest was as well as where the forest ended, but he found himself preferring to stay rather than face the cruel world again. Izuku found the forest surprisingly peaceful and plus he had his animal friends that he could actually talk to, thanks to his omega. Izuku now had wolf ears and a tail because he had trained his omega so well, he could even turn into a small green wolf if he wanted too. Izuku could do things that no omega had been able to do before. Izuku was finally special, useful, Izuku was no longer a Deku.

 Izuku was finally special, useful, Izuku was no longer a Deku

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This is what Izuku looked like minus the chain.

This is what Izuku looked like minus the chain

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This is wolf form

Izuku's POV
Over the years that I have been in this forest, this place has began to feel more like home than my previous one ever did. Here I am happy, here no-one judges me. Here I am not Deku. After this many years in the forest I don't really remember as much about the real world or as I call it the out there. I only really remember my parents and a few blurry memories of  Kachan. I have lived out here for so long, it feels as though I am a completely different person. Would Kachan even recognise me if he saw me, would he want too? I am sure the fact that I'm an omega must've caught on by now. Everyone I once knew must hate me by now. Well it's not like I'm ever gonna see them again.

Katsuki POV
Today is the anniversary of Deku's disappearance. Four years, four whole fucking years without seeing Deku. Sometimes it feels like I'm in hell, especially today. Today, I am going to visit his grave. It was never confirmed that he died, but after a few weeks, they concluded that no quirkless kid could have survived. So his mother set up a crap funeral spending as little money as possible and didn't even attend. Inko never showed remorse for her missing son, not once. I honestly don't know where Izuku is, but I swear, I will find him.

Aizawa POV
So far, I have been teaching in Ua for one year. This year is my second. As pro hero Eraser Head, I teach class 1A (previous class). To me, this class lacks potential, there are hardly any that I think could graduate, but I'll give them all a few more days to prove themselves.

For the next few days class 1A and I will be camping in the forest just outside the city. I am already packed and ready for the most boring lessons that I have done so far.

My class and I set up our camp site and decided to get to sleep early to prepare for lesson tomorrow. The sun was still up and everyone was already asleep. "Jeez, I guess they were tired." Soon after, I went to sleep.

Izuku's POV
I could smell people. It was vile smell, like gas and pollution. They didn't belong here. They seemed to have set up a camp nearby, they were probably hunters. I'll let them stay for now but if they hurt my animals, they'll regret it.

Author's Note-
Hi, sorry it took a little longer to get this part finished. I will probably continue to slow down and I'm sorry for that if your are enjoying these. I've just been busy with some school stuff recently but I will not stop writing until this is finished. Sorry that this was cringe , the last part was a little rushed. Hope you enjoyed 🙂

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