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Katsuki POV

It's been a week and a half since AFO revealed that Izuku was his son. Since then almost all of Japan hates him, since then Izuku has received hundreds of letters of people claiming to have had their lives ruined by AFO or the LOV. Since then Izuku has received death threat after threat after threat. Yet he is still calm. He reads every letter and even cries for the people that lost loved ones to the LOV but he never even flinches on the threats. He never cries for himself nor does he fight to tell the world his truth, whenever we ask him too he says "not yet, let them have their fun first" even as he speaks he remains calm.

Eventually it has been three weeks and all of Japan has as Izuku said 'had their fun' and now they wanted to hear from Izuku himself. Finally as the riots begun outside of UA Izuku spoke "their ready" his voice was quiet but we could still hear him. "Get me a camera, it's time that they know my side of the story before they destroy UA" Izuku said and a bunch of heros ran out of the room to go get his camera.

Izuku set up the camera and he told us to leave him alone. We could still see him through the windows in his 24 hour surveillance room but he wouldn't let us in. We watched him press record and he sat down in his seat. He looked at the camera for a few seconds before he waved and started his speech. "Hello. I am Izuku Midoriya, the biological son of All For One or AFO for short. He is the number 1 villain in Japan, no the entire world. But that is not who I am. My biological father left me, I am adopted by the two pro heros Eraserhead and Present Mic. They are my parents" at this Aizawa and Mic started to cry a little behind the window. "I am not a villain but rather a hero in training and no matter what I will not stop wanting to be a hero. So yes, I am the biological son of AFO but he is NOT my parent nor does he define who I am. You hear that Hisashi, I will not join your League Of Villains so no more beatings because they will not work. I am not afraid to die if it means that I don't have to become a villain because I AM NOT A VILLAIN!" As Izuku finished speaking he turned off the camera and started to cry. Aizawa, Mic and I all ran in followed by Midnight and Nezu. We hugged Izu like there was no tomorrow, all of us whispered calming things into his ears as he cried and eventually he calmed down enough to fall asleep.

Aizawa POV

It's been only a few days since Izuku posted his video and it has already gone viral. The comments are mostly apologies for being wrong and others are supporting him. A lot of people took note when he said Hisashi and no more beatings. But still some people refuse to see Izuku as someone they can trust and prefer to call him villain and scum but Nezu put an end to most of that when he posted a video of all the heroic things he has done caught on camera, he even included interviews with the people he saved. Suddenly reporters posted on how great a hero he will be rather than how evil he would be as a villain, suddenly people came to UA not to riot but to talk to Izu and get his autograph. People loved his hero costume and his big bright smile. People wanted to get to know the boy who's smile could brighten your day in the worst of conditions. Finally Izuku was pretty much forced into an interview with the Hero Life News Station and more. Izuku wasn't even a full hero yet he had so many fans, people even started casually calling him he possible future number 1 hero. Bakugo was definitely jealous but lucky for Izu he was more concerned with keeping him happy than anything else.

All For One's POV

"You hear that Hisashi, I will not join your League Of Villains so no more beatings because they will not work" I was playing my son's video on loop. It aggravated me so much, I hated it but at the same time I was proud of my son. He managed to turn hate and riots into fans and media attention. Sure he still had a high hate rate compared to his classmates but he also has more of a  chance at being the number 1 hero than many hero's that already serve Japan. I finally stopped the video and called Shigaraki. "Stop bringing Izuku in, it's time we start using force"

Author's Note-Sorry that literally all my recent parts have been really short but I suddenly got really busy. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this part 😀

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