An Old Friend

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Finally the last student entered. He had spiky blond hair and bright red eyes. His eyes skimmed over the class before they landed on me. "Deku"

Katsuki POV

It was my first day at my new school. I was going to UA, the number 1 hero school in Japan. Obviously I was excepted, I'm the future number 1 hero after all. I was walking down the hallway for the very first time and I felt so ready to beat all of these extras. But first on my list would be that brat that outscored me in the physical exam, I'm definitely gonna show them who the future number one hero is. I knew they were in 1-A so my goal would be easy enough.

Finally, I reached the 1-A door. I walked in and took a second to eye the extras. Eventually I locked eyes with a familiar bush of green hair. His eyes were still the bright green that I remembered and his freckles were still littered across his face. His face was one I could never forget, one that I could never want to forget. Izuku Midoriya had gone missing when were only 10 years old. He was a quirkless omega and so the police assumed he was dead after less than a week and dropped the case. But here he was , in the hero course of UA, alive. "Deku?" I spoke, I swear I was on the verge of crying in front of all these extras. Suddenly I noticed the boy's ears and a tail. He had a quirk, that was something that Deku did not have. "Oh sorry, I thought you were someone else" I quickly spoke. "Um, hi Kachan" the small boy responded shyly. So it was Deku, but how!? How did Deku get a quirk? Was that how he had survived? Why didn't he come back? All of these question were racing in my head as I ran to the boy and tackled him. I was hugging him as if my life depended on it, the idea of not seeming vulnerable in front of the extras completely left my head. I finally found Deku and he was safe. "WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!?" I screamed. "Jeez Kachan, calm down. I'm fin-" Deku was cut of by the teacher clearing his throat. Suddenly I was very aware of all the stares coming from the rest of the class. I quickly stood up and sat down at the desk in front of Deku's.

The class went on as normal and thankfully ignored my sudden outburst. "Okay, introduce yourselves or whatever, I'm going to sleep" the teacher said tiredly before getting into some yellow sleeping bag and falling asleep on the floor. The class all seemed surprised but they all got up and started to talk. "Hi I'm Mina Ashido, you can call me Mina. How about we each take turns introducing ourselves?" Some pink alien said and the class agreed. "Well as I just said, I'm Mina and my quirk is acid, I shoot acid out of my hands" Mina continued. The class was mildly impressed. "I guess I'm next" the girl next to Mina said. Again the class nodded. By this point I zoned out and started to think of more important things.

"HEY! BLOND DUDE, IT'S YOUR TURN!" Some red head was yelling at me and I was awakened from my daze. "Ugh, Bakugo Katsuki, explosion quirk, my sweat can explode" I said bored. I heard a few people talking about how cool I was and then the attention was drawn to Deku. "Dude, what's your name?" The red head asked. "Hi, I'm Izuku Aizawa, my quirk is wolf or something like that" Deku spoke with a polite voice. "WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!" I yelled. I seemed to have scared a few people but I didn't care. "First of all, why the hell did you change your name, second, when the hell did you get a quirk! Were you lying our entire fucking childhood or did something happen that I'm unaware of!" I was still yelling but Deku seemed unfazed. "First, I'm adopted so I changed my name, second you haven't seen me for almost six years, I've changed and now I have a quirk." Deku said, polite as ever, but when the hell was he adopted?! I still had lots of questions when shitty red head felt the need to speak, "dude, calm down!" I suddenly went quiet. "Whatever, shitty hair" I said and turned to look at the front of the class. Then I realised, Izuku Aizawa. Deku fucking beat me in the physical exam!

Eventually the teacher woke up and announced that we would have a test. A lot of people audibly groaned. Deku looked like he expected it though. "Since you don't have your hero costumes yet you can change into the UA gym outfit that the rest of the students wear. I expect to see you out in the field within the next 30 minutes" the teacher then left and the rest of the student got up and walked towards the locker rooms.

When all the shitty extras finally made it to the field our teacher began explaining the test. "You will be doing just the normal physical tests but you will be allowed to use your quirks, this will show me where you are at with your quirk training. The person in last will be expelled.Now Izu, you know what to do" the class was silent as Deku walked up to the front. He grabbed a ball and threw it, it went pretty far, he probably had some extra super strength but then he took a deep breath and started to howl. The ball was about to hit the ground but the impact from the howl sent it flying into the sky. The ball was no longer visible. "Hah, that's a new trick, good idea" the teacher said chuckling. "Um, excuse me but what did he do?" Pink cheeks (Uraraka) asked. "I just used my howl to send the ball out to space, it's now in orbit making my throws length infinite" Deku replied. Everyone was in shock, how could Deku's simple howl send something to orbit?

By the end of the test everyone had done well in at least one event, even purple balls. Luckily for everyone Mineta's highest score still wasn't enough to convince our teacher to let him stay and he was expelled. "Hey Izu, how do you feel about stealing class 1-B's Shinso?" Our teacher asked Deku. "Can we!?" Deku suddenly shouted excitedly. "I can ask Nezu" the teacher replied. "Yesss!" Deku said while laughing. It had been so long since I had seen Deku laugh let alone smile, it made me want to smile but I still had to many unanswered questions. "Excuse me, but you still haven't told us your name" someone suddenly spoke. "Oh that's right, I forgot to. You can call me Mr Aizawa" the teacher told us. "Wait like Deku's last name!" I suddenly yelled. "Yeah, he's my son" Mr Aizawa said. Everyone was in shock. It suddenly made sense. Izuku was never surprised how our teacher had acted all throughout the day and it was the teacher who made him laugh. Heck Deku was also Mr Aizawa's first pick to throw the ball, not even bothering to explain the task to him, he just knew. Izuku Aizawa, son of Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead a pro hero and the teacher of class 1-A.

Authors Note- Sorry that this part is all in Katsuki's POV but as always I hope you enjoyed this part 🙂

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