Where are you!?

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Izuku POV

It was finally the end of my first day as a UA student. After it was revealed that I was Mr Aizawa's son, a lot of people were shocked. Luckily no one really treated me any different though, except Kachan. Kachan seem confused and frustrated that I hadn't told him anything. Honestly after my mum left me in the forest, I only wished to see Kachan one more time. But when I finally got out of the forest, I hadn't though about him in years, sure I still see him as my friend but I guess you could say we just drifted apart. I changed and I'm sure he probably did too. I don't understand why Kachan is so mad that I didn't contact him, it's been almost six years.

Shinso and I left with Dad while Dadzawa stayed at the school. Dadzawa was going to try to replace the student that he expelled with Shinso  but it was going to be difficult since Shinso was already in class 1-B. But anyway, as the three of us left UA, I could feel someone staring at me. I was a little bit uncomfortable but I am a son of two pro hero's and someone that had survived four years in the forest, people staring at me wasn't uncommon. Finally Dad, Shinso and  I got home. I decided that I wasn't hungry so I skipped dinner and instead just went straight to sleep. It was literally only 4pm.

Katsuki POV

As the first school day ended, I wanted to talk to Deku but he was already leaving with two other people, people I didn't know. I remember a time when Deku and I were so close that we could be brothers. Both of us did everything together, he literally used to call my old hag auntie. But one day he disappeared, he left nothing that could prove that he had ever existed. The only thing he left was me. After Deku left, I lost my best friend and no one was willing to go look for him because he was just a quirkless omega that couldn't have possibly survived. But somehow he did survive and he didn't even try to contact me, he just let me and everyone else think that he was dead. 

Finally I made it home. I opened the door and threw my bag on the floor. I took my shoes off and my old hag asked why I was so angry. "Deku's alive" I said quietly. "WHAT!?" The old hag screamed. Suddenly she came running towards me and grabbed the front of my shirt "OH MY GOD!! WHERE IS HE?! HOW IS HE?! WHO IS LIVING WITH!? HOW DID HE SURVIVE?!?!" Old hag was in shock. I just sat down on the couch and numbly spoke "he's adopted by a pro hero, he also has a quirk now, it's powerful" I mumbled the last part and then walked to my room and fell asleep even though it was only 4pm. 

3rd Person POV

For the next week, Izuku and Katsuki never spoke. Both thought it would be better to just leave the other alone. Both continued on with their normal lives, pretending that they didn't know each other. But both of them were dying to ask the other questions. Katsuki wanted to know what had happened to Izuku and Izuku wanted to know what Katsuki had been doing for the past six years. Eventually Katsuki felt like he was going to explode if he didn't ask his questions but little did either of them know that he wouldn't get the chance.

Katsuki POV

I've finally had it. I'm going to ask Deku what the fuck happened to him. I don't care if he doesn't want to talk to me because he will, I won't stop until I have my answers. But when I got to school, Deku wasn't there and neither was Mr Aizawa. Instead there was some random pro hero teaching us. Present Mic wasn't there for our English lesson either. Of course I was suspicious but I had no proof that their disappearance was linked to Deku's. "I'll just ask him tomorrow" I mumbled as I left UA that day. But Deku wasn't there. A week went by and Deku still hadn't shown up to school. Finally on Saturday  as I watched the news I found out why. "A young boy from UA, Izuku Aizawa has been missing for a week now. He was taken from his house while him and his two parents slept. Young Aizawa, son of the pro hero's Present Mic and Eraserhead, he has short green curly hair, freckles and green eyes. If you find him please turn him into the police, here is a picture of him" a picture of Deku was shown on the screen and I turned off the TV is shock. Deku was gone...he left me...again.

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