Todoroki's Betrayal

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He's gone. Out of my reach. Lost. Izuku Midoriya, son of All For One otherwise known as Hisashi Midoriya or me. Now Izuku has betrayed me in more ways than one. He is a hero in training, living in a house full of hero's and now, he is marked by another hero in training. If only he knew his potential as a villain. My son should be a villain, not a hero! I scream in rage for a few seconds. "HOW DARE HE! HE IS MY SON!" I scream, throw shit around, I basically chuck a massive number 1 villain sized tantrum within my room. By the time I am finished my office is pretty much destroyed and my desk is a literal pile of ashes. "SHIGARAKI!" I yell. Crusty is suddenly at my door. "Y-yes Master?" His voice stutters a little. Ugh if only he was Izuku, my life would be so much easier. "Call in our little traitors. We need everyone here. We are attacking UA" I say in a very demanding voice. "B-but M-Master, they'll get caught" Shigaraki says quietly. "I DON'T CARE! WE ARE ATTACKING UA!" I yell furiously. "Y-yes M-master"

A few hours later I am still in my office. The door opens slightly and I notice a familiar head of red and white hair. "Finally you two have arrived. Todoroki, All Might, I'm glad you could come" I say. "It wasn't easy" All Might chuckled. "Did I ask you to speak?" I roll my eyes. All Might, the number one hero, what a joke. "You will both lead the LOV into UA, non of them know their ways around as well as you" I demand. Todoroki nods his head. "Yes sir" Todoroki has always been reliable at least. I sigh, none of these wannabe villains could ever have as much potential as my son. Ugh! Why did that stupid women raise him to be a perfect hero, Inko will have to pay for this someday.

A week later

Todoroki's POV

The LOV was in chaos. Everyone was everywhere, preparing for a possible war that could kill hundreds of people. Even if we caught the heros of guard I'm sure that more than one villain would still die. Who knows, anyone of the people running around right now could be dead in only a few days time. That thought terrified me. Why was all I could think. Why did I betray my friends in UA? Why did I betray Izuku? Nothing made sense to me at this moment. Why was I even here? Was it really just to get back at my stupid dad? How could I be so petty to let my stupid ass poor excuse for a father drag me down to his level of evil? Suddenly memories of Izuku flooded my brain. His bright smile, his angelic laugh, his fluffy green hair, everything. But one memory stood out amongst all the others.

It was before I confessed to Izuku. We were in his room just talking about life and other shit. Suddenly the topics dads appeared. Both of us had a shit ton of trauma and for one my situation seemed normal, like I wasn't the only one who felt pain. The only difference between Izuku and I was that he got a happy ending. He has two loving parents, an awesome brother and a loving boyfriend but all I had was a bunch of traumatised siblings, a crap father and a mother who was in a mental hospital. But what Izuku said next shocked me to my core. "I can understand your point but don't let your crap father way you down. You're your own person so live your life" Izuku's words shook me to my core. He would never know how much those words meant to me because instead of thanking him and giving him the respect he deserved, I just laughed it off. "You swore!" I giggled. "I do occasionally so shut up!" Izuku said, embarrassed.

Izuku's words rang in my ears. I was so caught up getting back at my father that I forgot exactly who I was. But that still left a question that needed to be answered. Who am I? That thought would be saved for later but for now I had to go to UA, I had to warm my friends about the attack, I had to see Izuku again and finally thank him for helping me without even realising it.

Aizawa POV

This last week has been annoying to say the least. Two members of the UA community have gone missing, I have had to deal with the fact that Bakugo has marked my son, I have had to deal with multiple complaints from Iida and Momo's rich families and now Todoroki, one of the missing members of UA, just showed up out of the blue and demanded that we held an assembly for the entire school. So here we were with the entirety of UA, holding an assembly for Todoroki's 'emergency'. "Hello UA, I Shoto Todoroki am a now ex member of the LOV" screams of hate followed Todoroki's confession. "If you are wondering where All Might is, he is currently at the LOV headquarters, helping them as a member of that evil group!" Todoroki had to yell just to be heard. "But please listen to me! The LOV are currently planning to ambush UA, they planned to do it in secret but I ran away earlier this morning" suddenly there was a deathly silence. Screams. The entire god damm place was filled with ear splitting screams! "I'm to fucking tired to deal with this shit" I muttered under my breath. For a bunch of heros and hero's in training a lot of them were running in fear. Coward, we were probably better off without them. Suddenly I see Hagakure and Ojiro running away. Well, I know who I'm expelling after this, that is if I'm alive tomorrow.

A few minutes pass and still the screams continue. Finally I had enough. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" The place went quiet. "Does anyone have any ideas on how we can not die?" I ask still slightly annoyed. Izuku raised his hand. "We could send any and all people who have quirks that make them aware of their surroundings keep look out for when the villains are coming, then the heros would be prepared and be able to attack them" Izuku suggested. "We could also have the support course and business course classes (I think that's what that is) inside the main building so that the hero course can protect them easier" Shinso added on. "But Izuku couldn't stay with them. If he did the villains would probably go looking for him and they would only put everyone else in danger" Nezu said. "So I could go in as bait" my brain pretty much stoped working for a second as I heard Izuku's suggestion. "NO WAY IN HELL!" Bakugo yelled. "For once, I agree with Bakugo" Mic said. "Seriously! If I go in as bait and demand to see AFO alone, I could take him down" Izuku was serious about this plan. His face was one of concentration and thought. This wasn't dumb plan that was made from some stupid rash thinking. Izuku was smart, that was undeniable but he was also willing to go through any amount of pain to help others. "Fine, but you won't be going in alone" Bakugo said. I could tell Izuku was about to object, his mouth was all ready wide open, ready to start an argument at any time. "Than the plan is set" Izuku's mouth closes as he stares at me. "Bu-" he begun. "No buts. Izuku will go in and take down AFO but Bakugo is you mate. You can't expect him to stay behind. Plus, I don't really like the idea of you going in alone anyway" I sigh as I speak. "I am aware that you will go to AFO no matter what anyone says but, no-one is ever going to let you carry that burden alone. Either you go with Bakugo or I restrain you" I say knowing full well that if he disagreed that is exactly what I would do. Izuku glared at me for a few seconds. "Fine"

Author's Note-I'm aware that this is really cringe but just ignore it because I can't be bothered editing it. I'm lazy. Anyway, I hope you liked this really cringe part 🙂👍

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