I Was Not Gonna Give Up...Ever

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Izuku POV

I slowly started to wake up. I quickly noticed that I was no longer in the dark, dirty room but instead I was in a clean and empty room. I was still tied up though and this time there was a camera looking directly at me. "Ah, I see you are finally awake" a voice suddenly came out of a speaker across the room. The door slammed open and the camera turned away. My 'mum' entered through the door before quietly and carefully closed it, suddenly her face turned to me and she was mad. She looked beyond disgusted and she looked furious. She handed me a phone. "Call one of your hero friends and tell them to stop looking for you...not that it matters, they are never gonna find you anyway. I'm not worried about you telling them were you are because you yourself don't know now hurry up!" she sounded confident in herself. I quickly decided to call Kachan so I dialled his number and the phone started to ring. The phone picked up on the the third ring. "Um, h-hi k-ka-ch-an"my voice was weak and I was stuttering. "D-Deku" Kachan's voice sounded like he had been crying. "U-um, the v-villains t-told me t-to tell y-you to s-stop l-l-looking for m-me. P-p-please d-don't w-worry a-a-about m-me, I'll b-be f-fine" I made sure to say that I'd be fine rather than that I am fine. "Please Deku! Where are y-" the phone was suddenly cut off by my 'mum' stealing the phone from me and hanging up. She threw the phone on the floor and smashed it before evilly smiling at me. She came closer and started to beat me. At some point she took out a knife I think, or maybe Toga came in, I don't really know, my mind was already blurring at that point. Eventually I passed out.

Katsuki POV

When I finally awoke I called Aizawa and told him what had happened, to say that Aizawa was shocked was an understatement. He told me to go to the police station and meet him there, he said that if we could find anything it would help. So I went to the police but by the end of the day we still had nothing. The call couldn't tell us anything and somehow we couldn't seem track it. All hopes of finding a lead to Deku were gone and we were back to square one. As hours turned to days, the police started to give up hope on finding him and were thinking about dropping the case, Aizawa and I were furious and we weren't the only ones. The entire class of 1-A and the majority of the UA staff came to protest, even UA's big three showed up. The protest didn't go unnoticed, suddenly every news headline was along the lines of 'Hero's Protest To Find Missing Boy' or 'Missing Boy Case Being Dropped'. The people were mad at the police and started to help protest but then a reporter uncovered Deku's original missing case and linked it to his new one. Suddenly the headlines read 'Police Give Up On Missing Boy For The Second Time' or 'Police Conspiring Against Young Boy?' Suddenly the people were not mad but instead furious. The once peaceful protests turned into full blown riots. Everywhere were posters trying to convince the police to not give up on the case, rioters in front of every police station and buildings that had literally been set on fire. The place was in total chaos but still the police eventually dropped the case. Eventually the riots stopped too and the people knew that they had lost. But I was not gonna give up...ever.

Author's Note- Hi! Sorry that this part is really short and that it took so long for me to write. I just started going back to normal school instead of romote and I've been really busy. I will be on break soon so I will try to post everyday then. Keyword being TRY. Anyway, as always I hope you enjoyed this part ✌️😁

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